is it ok 2 keep liq in the fridge?


New member
i ask this because i usually put it capped off in a syrnge, In my fridge. It jus more convenient that way. Is this ok? thanks
don't see why you'd want too... never heard anyone do that... if i was to do that i'd mix it 15ml water to 5ml liq and that would give you 1mg/ml.. so it wouldn't be so thick...
It should be suspended in oil.

Don't keep it in the fridge, there's 0 reason to. It doesn't need to be sterile since you're taking it orally, so anywhere is fine.

Extreme heat will break down the anastrazole, but coldness won't affect it. It probably will make it thick as anything though.
yes, but i dont see why it would matter about the thickness since it is already capped off with a syrge before putting in the fridge. Jus as long as it doesnt stick on my cup when i mix it with water to drink. So im good to go i think, right?
bro just draw it up into a dart just like you where going to shoot it and take off the needle and shoot it into the back of your throat...
I just count drops into a spoon and do it like that. I had a problem with the stuff sinking in a glass of water and sticking on the bottom. I fill a pin with like 2ml and refill when it gets low again
I kept mine in the fridge and it did not make it any thicker. It was fine. I had the kind that came with a dropper.