Can LIGANDROL & ANDARINE be stacked together along with IGF-1 LR-3 ? dosage ? experience ?


New member
Has anyone stacked these together ? i did not find any info on this forum from fellow gym rats. placed the order should be in mail by tomorrow. can't wait to try them out. but should we stack them or take them separate ?
Depends on your goals.

This is the best combination when you want to lose some of the excess pounds. You need to take 3 to 5 mg a day of LGD for 8 weeks with S4 at 50 mg a day for 6 to 8 weeks, and GW at 10 to 20 mg a day for 8 weeks. This is the most suggested dosages to lose that extra body weight while preserving your muscle mass and increase endurance. This is
proven to be effective for most users who have tried this combo.

Dosing plan as follows:
LGD weeks 1-8: 10mg ED
S4 weeks 1-4: 25-75mg ED
S4 weeks 5-8: 50-75mg ED
Clomid weeks 9-12: 50/50/25/25

As for IGF1 I've done as low as 25mcg and as high as 250mcg. Id say the sweet spot would be around 100. Pretty common usage on here.

Welcome to mc.

*Not medical advice nor should this be taken as medical advise.
- thank you ma'am. you look awesome. thanks for the detailed advise. i want to go on a bulking cycle and then later a cutting cycle. I have LGD and S4 from MC. should next order GW.
GW is great for cutting up. Cardio is way easier. Lgd is a great bulker. S4 is good for cutting. Never used S4, but I have used lgd and osta. Both work well lgd is a bit stronger, but seems to suppress natural test levels, so a sarm maybe required. Where as osta doesnt seem to supress too badly imo.
s4 is one of the most used and tested SARMs out there, but it seems to work its best when paired with another SARM for optimal efficiency. It can be paired easily with MK-2866 and LGD-4033, but this combination in higher doses can cause testosterone to be suppressed more than wanted.