Eca And Creatine


New member
When you guys are using eca do you still take creatine before your workouts?
I had read an article were the eca will stop the effects of the creatine, is this true?
Dont want to be wasting my creatine.
It really doesn't matter if you take your creatine before you workout or not. Creatine works to hold the water in the muscles after it reaches a certain saturation level in the tissue, hence the old school "loading phase". There have been a lot of articles lately about the idea that a lot less loading is needed than previously thought, but taking right before you workout would not make any difference. As far as the article about the ECA, the one I read specifically addressed caffine as causing the creatine to be ineffective. From what I've seen if there is any effect at all, it's very shortlived. Probably due to the diuretic effect of the caffine. Just don't drink that double shot laute right before you workout and you should be fine.
ECA has caffeine in it...caffeine works as a diuretic, so it triggers water loss. Creatine does a few different things, one of which is cell hydration. So, the caffeine does work against that benefit of creatine. Creatine does two other really valuable things though: it has an incredible strength-building effect which can allow you to train heavier, AND its a great antioxidant. So IMO if you really like you ECA for energy, and don't mind that it detracts from the muscle fullness you get with creatine, then go for it.