Deca side effects. Nandrolone side effects

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The anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate sells under the trade name Deca-Durbolin. Commonly called "deca steroid," this performance-enhancing drug increases muscle growth and athletic flexibility. Nandrolone affects the body's testosterone system, a critical network of organs, glands, and chemicals. Testosterone plays an important role in physiology and behavior. This hormone produces masculine effects like hair growth and aggressive response. Altering this natural system with synthetic drugs like Deca-Durbolin causes biological and psychological side effects.

Mental Health

Anabolic steroid use often causes feelings of depression. A 2010 study in the medical journal "Neuropharmacology" looked at this relationship in male rats given nandrolone. Deca steroids produced several signs of depression in this animal model. Changes in brain chemicals, hormone levels, and behavior were consistent with depressive symptomatology. For example, rats displayed longer periods of immobilization on the forced swim test after steroid administration. Antidepressant drugs reversed these effects indicating nandrolone intake caused the depressive symptoms.
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Sexual Behavior
Performance-enhancing drugs affect the hormones involved in reproduction and mating. Steroids often cause gonadal shrinkage and decrease sexual libido. A 2010 experiment described in the periodical "Behavioural Brain Research" tested this hypothesis in male hamsters. Animals treated with a combination of anabolic drugs, including nandrolone decanonate, took longer to mate and mated less often than controls. Treated hamsters also displayed more aggressive tendencies. These results suggest that deca steroids alter both libido and aggression.

Reproductive Fertility
The steroid-induced changes in sexual behavior are compounded by changes in reproductive fertility. A 2010 report published in "Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology" studied the impact of nandrolone decanoate on sperm parameters in male rats. Deca steroids decreased testes weight and reduced germ layers. Exercise training, comparable to that of athletes typically taking nandrolone, increased germ cell death further reducing reproductive fitness. Steroid intake, therefore, decreases both libido and fertility.

Organ Physiology
Athletes typically take nandrolone decanoate because it enhances muscle growth. This positive effect, however, may have negative consequences. Steroid intake tends to increase the size of all tissue including that in the kidney, liver, and heart. A 2009 investigation offered in the journal "Pharmacological Research" evaluated cardiac parameters in male rats. Nandrolone decanoate negatively affected the control of heart rate and blood pressure. Autopsies revealed an enlargement of the left and right ventricles. Such data indicate that deca steroids change heart physiology. This finding is of particular concern because heart enlargement can increase mortality rate.
Advanced Dianabol Cycle
Cycle Description
Advanced Bulking Steroid cycle is relatively a long cycle extending over 16 weeks.

The dosage recommended is as per the bodybuilder’s exposure to the steroids for sale online in question. The dosage thus, determined may be lower or higher than the set dose mentioned earlier. You should use HGH for sale (Growth Hormone) during this Dianabol cycle and should continue for six months post cycle. Bodybuilders generally use HGH for years at a stretch with negligible or absolutely no breaks. You should administer effective drugs to curtail Dianabol side effects that may include progesterone and estrogen gynecomastia. Effective post cycle therapy is mandatory.

Cycle products:
Deca Durabolin: 10ml (200mg/ml)
Dianabol: 300 tabs (5mg/tab)
Testosterone (cypionate, enanthate or sustanon 250): 10 ml (250mg/ml)
Anavar Cycle: 500 tabs (10mg/tab)
HGH Cycle: 1 vial (10 i.u./vial)

Dianabol & Deca Durabolin Cycle
Cycle Description
You may use Primobolan Depot in place of others, but reduce the usual Dianabol dosage of the injection to half. Use of oral and injection in conjunction may result in five to ten kilograms of gain in a male weighing 100kg. Women may also, enjoy the benefits from this cycle, but they must trim down the dosages to one-third of the male statistics. This Dianabol cycle is known to be quite safe and no severe side effects have been reported till date. You should pay great attention to your nutrition and ensure that your intake of proteins per day is minimum 2.2 grams/kg of body weight and your daily intake of calories is 45 cal/kg of body weight. You must follow a rigorous fitness regime with emphasis on high weight, high intensity and low rep workout schedule involving 90 minutes each day for six days and one day break, during this particular cycle.

Cycle products:
Deca Durabolin: 2ml vial (100mg/ml)
Dianabol: 310 tabs (5mg/tab)

Experienced Dianabol Steroid Cycle
Cycle Description
This cycle is recommended for those looking for extremely high gains in size and also high increments in strength.

This cycle has been designed keeping in mind a male whose body weight is 110 kg and who is quite experienced and well exposed to steroid therapy. To determine the exact dosage according to your body weight, calculate in terms of 10% per 10 kg of bodyweight. Example: Suppose your body weight is120kg; you should raise the dosage to 10%. Ensure appropriate nutrition and stick to intake of proteins to 3 grams/kg of body weight and daily intake of calories to 50cal/kg of body weight. You must follow a rigorous fitness regime with emphasis on high weight, high intensity and low rep workout schedule involving 90 minutes each day for six days and one day break, during this particular steroid cycle. Post completion of the cycle you may follow a schedule involving three days on and 1 day off. Each day you need to put in 60 minutes of physical fitness regime. During the course of the cycle you are advised to use Cod Liver Oil and Primrose oil to support your liver and kidney. You must drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water/day. It is mandatory to go on eating especially beef avoiding the fatty parts. As a result of this conjunctive oral and injection program an average male weighing about 110kg may gain 8 to 14 kgs.

Women are barred from using this cycle, as it involves extremely high androgenic characteristics. Mild side effects may occur. Some common side effects may include upper abdomen bloating, rise in acne, elevated cholesterol levels and decline in sleeping needs. Nolvadex or may be Proviron is highly recommended especially for those having problems relating to gyno growth during the puberty phase or if you are vulnerable to gyno. This cycle is designed to create a profound impact on the receptor sites with solid androgenic products especially during the initial three weeks of the cycle as then the receptors are expected to be clean and fresh. Once the receptor sites start to get saturated there is a shift from androgenic products to anabolic ones. This facilitates the intake of androgenic products coupled with lesser instances of severe side effects. Primobolan increase definitely gives you a distinct cut appearance after completion of the cycle.

Cycle Products:
Anadrol Cycle : 40 tabs (50mg/tab)
Sustanon Cycle: 1ml vial (250mg/ml)
Deca Durabolin: 10 ml (200mg/ml)
Dianabol: 300 tabs (5mg/tab)
Primobolan Depot: 1ml vial (100mg/ml)