Mesterolone Proviron Oral Androgen Steroid/ Anti-aromatisation


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[h=1]Mesterolone (Proviron) information[/h]
Other common names and terms:Proviron
Active Life:8-12 hours
Drug Class:Oral Androgen Steroid/ Anti-aromatisation
Detection Time:5 weeks
Chemical structure:1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one
Common doses:25-100mg per day
Blood pressure:Unlikely
Water retention:None
DHT conversion:None, it's a DHT derivative
Decrease HPTA function:No
Mesterolone is an oral androgen which is not capable of aromatising. More commonly refereed to as Proviron, the brand name given to the drug by Schering, proviron is used in the medical world to treat different forms of sexual dysfunction. Sexual disinterest, impotency and low sperm count can be successfully reversed with the treatment of this drug, which acts as a substitute for the natural male androgen.
Although this steroid has little benefit for its anabolic properties, it does hold some very useful characteristics which can aid a bodybuilder successfully. Due to the compounds high affinity for plasma binding proteins such as SHBG, it is believed the drug can aid the effects of other steroids by increasing the percentage of unbound free concentrations.
Also of a great benefit of mesterolone is action of an anti-aromatase within the body. This works by slowing or stopping the aromatisation of steroids into oestrogen. This is not to be confused with the action of the likes of Nolvadex which work by blocking the oestrogen binding and activating the tissue. The anti-aromatase is thought to work by the ability of the drug to compete for binding to the aromatase enzyme, thus temporarily blocking the enzyme to interact with other hormones. This effect is obviously much more profound then the actions in which Nolvadex and other anti-oestrogens, which do nothing to actually reduce the level of oestrogen being produced, rather just blocking its ability to activate tissues. If just using the likes of Nolvadex it is therefore possible to have a rebound effect after ceasing use of the drug, where the high oestrogen levels quickly bring about related side effects to the user. It is therefore recommend to only discontinue use if you can be sure that hormonal levels are not excessive, which would bring about unwanted effects. Many may choose to use both an anti-oestrogen and an anti-aromatase so that to inhabit oestrogen side effects via both methods. Dosage of 50mg each day of proviron will likely hold off side effects such as gynecomastia when using aromatising steroids.
Proviron is a drug that is likely familiar to the competitive bodybuilder. The drugs abilities to both increase androgen and reduce oestrogen levels is highly sought after by a bodybuilder close to contest. Proviron is often used in higher doses in this phrase, and can bump up the levels of androgen, especially useful if the likes of Winstrol and Anavar are being used which have a low androgenic nature. The increase androgen levels will bring about a dense solid look to the users physique.
Being a non c17 alpha alkylated oral we have little worry of the drug causing liver toxicity.
[h=2]Pictures of legit Proviron:[/h]
Alman Schering

A few proviron questions going around so i thought i wouyld bump a few of our past articles on mesterolone