Anabol Cycle Dosages. Anabol Profile


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Anabol is the brand name of the generic steroid known as methandrostenolone. In the world of athletics and bodybuilding, Anabol is considered as one of the best forms of steroids a person who is not involved in non-aerobic sports can take. Basically, it works by:

  • Increasing the way your body synthesizes protein
  • Enhancing your glycogenolysis (the repletion of your glycogen levels after exercising); and
  • Stimulating your strength in a more fast-acting and direct manner.
Immediate results

Anabol is well accepted by bodybuilders because it works faster than other steroids. They generally experience immediate results after just a few uses. Furthermore, short-term uses of this steroid do not immediately shut down the way the body naturally produces testosterone compared to other androgenic compounds.


The effects of methandrostenolone are often dependent on the dosage or how much you are taking. At high doses of 30mg or more everyday, it can still provide you with Side Effects that are caused by the mild androgenic it contains. Among these Side Effects include male pattern hair loss and acne. Smaller doses, however, can provide you with better results especially if you take them several times a day. In fact, the results are more evident if you take it in smaller doses around 25mg to 40mg. Also, its Half-Life in your body is only good for 3 to 6 hours so spreading your doses to 3 to 4 times is a good idea for achieving better results compared to 1 to 2 doses.

Tips on very small doses

If you are taking Anabol in moderate doses, it is ideal that you take a single dose in the morning only. The result delivers a much higher peak and increased survival of the steroid. However, since its Half-Life is short, your body clears it faster before it can even produce bigger amounts of natural testosterone when you're asleep. So, small doses are recommended to supplement other forms of steroids after a cycle ends.

Cheap and safe

Anabol is considered safer and cheaper compared to other types of steroids that can be injected or taken orally. However, it is best used for short-term purposes only in a cycle, around 5 to 6 weeks if you are trying to increase your muscle. The injectable form is most preferred since it provides a better kick-start in weight and strength gain. If you are interested to learn more about it, you should start exploring search engine feature for anabol , dianabol.

Read more about steroids here

This website is meant to educate you as a consumer who wants to try steroids. Our website aims to give you the information you need to learn about steroids prior to purchasing them. You can also turn to to share your stories and experiences about using methandrostenolone or other steroids you have tried or want to try. You can also browse through forums, news articles, and blogs for more information about the steroids you want to learn more about.

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[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Anabol aka Dianabol is an oral steroid that generally comes in 5mg tab or pill form, as well as in Liquid Form. Dianabol whether in pill form or liquid form promotes Protein Synthesis at an extremely high rate as well as promoting a Positive Nitrogen Balance extremely important for building muscle and staying in an anabolic state rather than the dreaded Catabolic State (catabolism = eats muscle away). Anabol, Dinabol is not only anabolic but also very androgenic which is quite helpful in promoting power and strength which helps the end user (bodybuilder , powerlifter) build more muscle mass by way of taring into the muscle fibers much deeper which is what helps build bigger, stronger muscles.

[/FONT]Dianabol is known as a mass builder and usually used in what bodybuilders call a BULKING CYCLE. Users of Methandienone the chemical name for dbol, and anabol can expect bodyweight increases of 4-5 pounds per week for the first 4 weeks cycling dbol. Most of the gains realized will be by way of water retention and bloating. This water retention first occurs in the muscle itself before spilling over subcutaneously (between the muscle and skin) which is when the bloated , smoothed over look occurs taking away most of your visual muscles definition. However it is this extra Muscle Hydration which brings about the added power and strength that leads to the ability to push heavier weight that in turn tares deeper into the muscle fascia (muscle fibers) which again is when the muscle building begins as we touched on earlier in this article. Dianabol, Anabol (Methandienone) has also been shown to strengthen bone calcium.

Indications You Have Scored Real Legitimate Dianabol Are Below:

An Increased Appetite, Weight Gains, Muscle Mass Gains, Strength Gains. Increased (RBC) red blood cells (common in most steroids) though not always noticable to end users not intune with their body like competitive bodybuilders might be, Water Retention, Sense of Well Being (Calm & Confident)

Presentation Varies from Company to Company and Of course Their is No Real way to Identify Liquid Dbol Aside From Using It or testing It with a Steroids Harm Reduction Kit/s:

5mg tablets are pink pentagon shaped tablets, with snake&arrow imprinted on one side, Plain Pink Thai Hexagons, Or Stop Signs Dianabol,

Dianabol, Anabol Half-life is 3-4 hours, meaning it is optimum to spread the pills out daily into 2-3 dosages per day which will keep the hormone levels more stable or even in the blood.

Anabol, D-bol Aromatizes easily, so be prepared with proper precautionary medicines to combat the steroid aromatization. DHT will sufficate hair follicles and cause baldness faster than you can say "what the fuck" ! FACT!


EXAMPLE: Anabol (D-Bol) Methandieno
ne / British Dispensary Co. Ltd.


To be continued.......

Anabolic Article
Impact of chronic androgenic
steroid exposure on liver toxicity
Manal EA El-Halwagy1, Sherif H Abd-Alrahman2,3, Rasha Hamed Mahmoud1, Fares K Khalifa4, Nevine S
Darwish5, Abla A Attia5, Amany S Mohamed6
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science for Girl’s, King Abdulaziz University, P.O Box 51459, Jeddah
21453, Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Biochemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O Box 2455,
Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Pesticides Residue and Environmental Pollution, Central
Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory, Agricultural Research Center, Giza 12618, Egypt; 4Department of Biochemistry,
Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, P.O Box 51459, Jeddah 21453, Saudi Arabia; 5Department of
Histology, Research Institute of Ophthalmology, Giza, Egypt; 6Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical
Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
Received November 15, 2015; Accepted January 12, 2016; Epub February 1, 2016; Published February 15, 2016
Abstract: Adverse effect of the chronic anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) exposure on liver tissue and function of
adult male albino rats were evaluated. Total 48 adult male albino rats were divided into four groups; (G1) controls,
(G2) therapeutic (5 mg/Kg b.w), (G3) low dose (0.9 mg/Kg b.w), (G4) high dose (18 mg/Kg b.w), rats were treated
orally with anabol for 3 months. Blood samples were taken from all rats once a month, half of the animals in each
group were sacriced, and organs were dissected for the histopathological examination. Results showed that el-
evation in plasma liver biomarkers alaninaminotransferase (ALT) aspartateaminotransferase (AST), total proteins
and albumin was recorded. Enhancement in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Reduction in total reduced
glutathione (GSH) concomitant with elevation in lipid peroxidation biomarker (MDA). Histopathological ndings en-
countered changes in the liver architecture. Stop giving anabol in recovery period drawback these ndings. Chronic
administration of high dose of anabol induced serious injury in liver tissue and remarkable changes in liver biomark-
ers. Liver recovery needs long time to nearly reach to normal after the chronic exposure to androgenic steroids.
Keywords: Anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), anabol, liver biomarkers, oxidative stress
Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are either
endogenous occurring naturally within the body
(e.g. testosterone, and rostenediol, dihydroepi-
androsterone) or exogenous synthetic deriva-
tives of testosterone (e.g. anabol and nandro-
lone decanoate) [1]. Testosterone is a steroid
hormone that exists both free and bound to
plasma proteins. It is the natural male hormone
which is produced primarily by the testes. It is
also produced by females but in fewer amounts.
It is responsible for the androgenic (masculin-
izing) and anabolic (tissue building) effects
throughout male adolescence and adulthood
[2]. When ingested, testosterone is absorbed in
the small intestine and transported to the liver
via the portal vein where it is nearly completely
metabolized to 17-keto steroid by the enzyme
17-OH-steroid dehydrogenase [3] when large
amounts of testosterone are ingested, the
enzyme system gets saturated, allowing some
testosterone to remain unchanged. Anabolic
steroid treatment may induce hepatic structural
changes [4]. Anabolic steroids are usually
administered orally as well as by injection. They
are used by athletes to enhance performance
and by non-athletes to improve appearance.
Although their use is illegal and banned by sport
governing bodies, yet, survey and drug-testing
data indicate continued use by competitive ath-
letes at all levels [5]. The fact that the frequency
of steroid use appears to have increased signi-
cantly over the past three decades among ado-
lescents, women and recreational athletes is
also of growing concern. Their abuse presents
an interesting public health challenge, as they
are associated with deleterious physical and
psychological outcomes [6]. Strong evidence
exists demonstrating that AAS result in in-

2653 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(2):2652-2659
It was imported from Thailand in the form of
pink hexagonal tablets (5 mg each). It was dis-
solved in tap water and given to rats orally [12]
by gastric intubation at a daily dose of 0.9, 5,
and 18 mg/day. These doses correspond to
the therapeutic, low toxic and high toxic doses
respectively [13]. The dose was modied by
Paget’s Formula [14] to suite the rat body
Animal protocols
Apparently 48 healthy adult male albino rats
weighing 150+10 gm were maintained in the
breeding animal house in the Faculty of
Medicine, Cairo University. They were housed in
hygienic metal cages and kept in clean well
ventilated room. They were fed ad libitum with a
standard laboratory diet and had free access to
water. Rats were left for two weeks before com-
mencement of the study to be acclimatized to
lab conditions. All rats were weighed periodi-
cally in order to adjust the dosage according to
the body weight.
Experimental design
Adult male albino rats were randomly divided
into four equal groups: (G1) rats served as con-
trols and given tap water. (G2) rats were treated
orally with (5 mg/Kg body wet.) of anabol equal
therapeutic (G3) rats were treated orally with
(0.9 mg/Kg body wet.) of anabol equal low dose
(G4) rats were treated daily orally with (18 mg/
Kg b.w) of anabol equal high dose. The experi-
ment was expanded for four months.
Blood samples were obtained at the end of
each experimental period (1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th
months) from the retro-orbital plexus using cap-
illary tubes [15] centrifuged at 2000 g. Plasma
was separated and stored at (-20°C) for bio-
chemical examination. At the end of the treat-
ment period, half the animals in each group
were sacriced by decapitation to obtain the
organs for histopathological examination and
the rest were sacriced after a recovery period
of one month (the 4th experimental period).
During this recovery period through the 4th
month of this study, the tested drug was
stopped to allow recovery from the toxicant
Biochemical studies
Aspartate and Alanine transaminases (AST and
ALT) activities were determined according to
creasing body weight and muscular strength.
However, there is also, increasing evidence that
their abuse is associated with adverse effects
on the liver, serum lipids and the reproductive
system [7]. These effects are also associated
with increased levels of irritability, aggression,
personality disturbance and, dependence and
psychiatric ailments [8]. Free radicals and other
ROS are derived from normal essential metabo-
lism or from external sources. Free radical for-
mation occurs in cells due to both enzymatic
and non-enzymatic reactions [9]. The balance
between free radical production and antioxi-
dant defense has important health implica-
tions. If there are too many free radicals or too
few antioxidants for protection, a condition of
oxidative stress develops causing chronic or
permanent damage [10]. If free radicals are not
inactivated, their chemical activity can damage
all cellular macromolecules (proteins, carbohy-
drates, lipids and nucleic acids). They can also
change DNA structure and induce genotoxicity
that may cause cancer [11].
This work assess the effects of therapeutic,
low toxic and high toxic doses of anabol on oxi-
dative stress and liver function and tissue
archtechtiure in adult male albino rats treated
for 3 months. The reversibility of anabol effects
was also studied after one month post-
Materials and methods
Test material
Anabol (Methandienone) 17β-OH-17α-CH3-1,
Chemical Structure of Anabol

Anabolic steroid exposure and liver toxicity
2654 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(2):2652-2659
same effect on plasma alanine aminotransfer-
ase (ALT) enzyme. Moreover, anabol treatment
exhibited signicant increase in total plasma
proteins and albumin versus control in most of
experimental groups at P<0.05 all through the
experimental periods. It should be noted here
that the above examined parameters recorded
signicant increase in recovery period; with-
drawn of drug; throughout the experimental
groups, but this increase showed draw back in
comparison to the presence of drug. A slight
elevation in malondialdehyde (MDA) lipid per-
oxidation biomarker was recorded in anabole
treated groups with different doses, signicant
in the high dose treated group (18 mg/kg. bw)
versus control and all other groups all through
the treatment periods. Reduction in total gluta-
thione content (GSH) was concomitant with the
elevation in MDA. The reduction was pro-
nounced in the high dose treated group signi-
cant versus control and other groups at P<0.05.
On the other hand gradual elevation in each of
antioxidant enzymes catalase and superoxide
dismutase was recorded all through the experi-
mental periods, the increase in the enzymes
activities was dose and time dependent. A pro-
nounced elevation was recorded in high dose
treated animals signicant versus other groups
at P<0.05. Withdrawn of anabol in the 4th
month did not affect the level of each of MDA,
GSH, SOD and catalase as demonstrated in
Table 2.
Histopathological examination liver
Liver of the control group (G1) showed normal
liver architecture and cells (Figure 2). Whereas,
On the other hand, decline in
rats weights were recorded at
the end of the recovery peri-
od. The depicted data in
Table 1 revealed that plasma
aspartate aminotransferase
(AST) enzyme one of the liv-er
biomarkers had gradual sig-
nicant increase all through
the experimental periods.
The signicance was betw-
een control at P<0.05. This
increase in AST activity is
dose and time dependent in
all treated groups. Likewise,
rats treated with 0.9, 5, and
18 mg/Kg bw doses level
of anabol drug induced the
[16]. Total protein was determined by Biuret
method according to [17]. Albumin in plasma
was measured according to [18]. Total
Glutathione Content (GSH) was determined in
red blood cells according to [19]. Malon-
dialdehyde (MDA) level was determined in plas-
ma according to the method of [20]. Antioxidant
enzymes activity of superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and catalase were measured according
[21, 22].
Histopathological study
By the end of the treatment period (3rd month)
and recovery period (4th month), animals were
sacriced and tissue samples from liver, testis
& epididymis were obtained and xed in 10%
formalin. The xed specimens were then
trimmed, washed and dehydrated in ascending
grades of alcohol. These specimens were
cleared in xylene and embedded in parafn.
Sections of 4-5 microns were cut and stained
by haematoxylin & eosin (H&E) [23] and exam-
ined by light microscope.
Statistical analysis
Computer software package SPSS 15.0 was
used in the analysis. One-way ANOVA were
used to estimate the differences in quantitative
variables. All data were expressed as mean ±
S.D. at P value <0.05 signicant [24].
Biochemical results
Figure 1 showed progress increase in weight of
rats in all groups administrated anabol with dif-
ferent doses all through the treatment periods.
Figure 1. Weight changes in rats treated with anabol (G1: Control group. G2,
G3 and G4: The experimental groups. 4th month = recovery period).

Anabolic steroid exposure and liver toxicity
2655 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2016;9(2):2652-2659
low dose treated group (G2) showed normal
liver architecture with slight central vein con-
gestion. Sinusoidal dilatation and congestion
were seen. Many Von Kupffer cells were noticed
as well (Figure 3A). During the 4th month
(recovery), the cell cords and central vein were
of normal architecture. Only mild dilatation of
blood sinusoids was observed (Figure 3B). On
Table 2. Effect of chronic administration of anabol on oxidative stress biomarkers in blood and
plasma of treated albino rats
GSH (mg/dl) MDA (µMole/ml) Catalase (U/mg protein) SOD (U/mg protein)
1st Month G1 28.83±1.85 10.12±2.07 5.89±0.21 12.28±0.11
G2 25.34±0.07a 10.57±3.35 8.09±0.18a 14.01±0.21
G3 22.24±0.91a 11.79±2.42 6.10±0.22 11.28±0.11
G4 19.47±0.44a,b 12.00±4.79a,b 10.08±0.43 17.28±0.11a,b
2nd Month G1 28.51±1.83 10.20±2.76 5.99±0.25 12.28±0.11
G2 22.14±0.66a 12.52±1.41 9.89±0.21 16.01±0.41a
G3 18.08±1.33a 12.29±3.65 5.69±0.27 12.01± 0.21
G4 16.49±0.58a,b 13.06±3.11a 13.09±0.29a,b,c 19.41± 0.51a,b,c
3rd Month G1 28.73±1.58 10.12±2.07 6.09±0.22 12.28±0.11
G2 20.36±0.22a 11.79±2.42 9.09±0.19 13.01±0.41
G3 14.72±0.46a 12.59±3.06 7.19±0.62 16.11±0.51a,b
G4 8.57±0.73a,b,c 13.75±4.32a,b 15.09±0.29a,b,c 24.01±0.21a,b,c
4th Month recovery G1 28.85±1.63 10.20±2.76 6.09 ± 0.22 12.28±0.11
G2 22.82±0.91a 13.85±2.88 11.19 ± 0.62a 17.21±0.81a
G3 17.56±0.61a,b 13.25±7.12 8.09±0.22a,b 14.01± 0.21a,b
G4 12.14±0.78a,b,c 14.34±2.90a,c 19.09±0.29a,b,c 26.11±0.81a,b,c
G1: control group, G2 (therapeutic), G3 (low dose) and G4 (high dose). All data are expressed as Mean ± Standard Deviation
(SD). Signicant value is set at the level of P<0.05 (ANOVA test). (a) Signicant difference versus control. (b) Signicant differ-
ence versus G2. (c) Signicant difference versus G3.
Table 1. Effect of chronic administration of anabol on plasma liver biomarkers of albino rats
AST (mM/ml) ALT (mM/ml) Total Protein
(gm/100 ml)
(gm/100 ml)
1st Month G1 35.00±26.25 14.40±3.51 5.87±0.73 6.36±0.92
G2 60.20±16.68 23.00±3.21 6.59±2.19 8.27±2.24
G3 71.58±10.83a 26.00±2.24a 9.39±2.96 9.21±2.02
G4 81.80±24.94a,b 28.40±4.88a 11.89±4.80a 11.52±4.11a
2nd Month G1 35.00±26.25 14.80±2.39 5.38±2.24 5.90±2.36
G2 70.62±16.68a 26.00±1.41a 10.40±3.61a 10.83±1.38
G3 83.52±10.83a 28.20±4.78a 14.36±0.89a 15.65±3.75a
G4 89.03±24.94a,b 32.40±2.88a 19.95±4.80a,b 17.63±3.61a,b
3rd Month G1 35.00±26.25 14.20±3.12 5.18±1.02 6.36±0.92
G2 84.24±43.17a 30.60±8.53a 16.38±3.69a 14.81±4.10a
G3 93.84±21.51a 33.00±7.84a 20.68±5.48a 17.02±3.58a
G4 100.9±34.0

I like the idea of 5mg pills. I've only ever had the 50 mg ones. I just cut them into 4 and take 3 per day. 5mg pills would make life much easier.

- - - Updated - - -

But yes to everything Presser posted, It works fast and well. Go get you some.
50mg dianabol. i never had anything like that. only ever used 5mg and 10mg dbol. Only thing i have ever seen in 50mg dosage per tab was for anadrol