Somatropin 100iu HGH Kit* - Peptide Growth Hormones.


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Somatropin 100iu Kit* information:
Somatropin is a synthetic 191 amino acid sequence identical to the human growth hormone produced naturally in the body by the pituitary. By being identical in structure to the body's own hGH, there is no risk the body will create antibodies to Lixus Labs Somatropin.
Lixus Labs, an energetic biotechnology companynewest state-of-the-art professional bio-pharmaceutical equipment and is GMP certified from Chinese SFDA state food and drug administrant bureau.
Lixus was able to create HGH identical to natural hGH and stable unrefrigerated in room temperature .
The R&D staff include bio-chemistry professionals & medical doctors, with an emphesize on gene engineering. Using Lixus secretion type expressive and growth hormone proteinum stabilization techlonogy, Lixus Labs Somatropin is ensured to have high purity and highest quality possible recombinant hGH, all while still creating excellent value for the consumer
Growth hormone has a strong anabolic effect as it not only causes muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells ) but also muscular hyperplasia ( increase of the number of muscle cells) while anabolic steroids only cause muscular hypertrophy. HGH also influences burning of fat, strengthens the connective tissue ( tendons and cartilage ) and greatly increases strength. Gains made on HGH cycle remain after the drug has been discontinued.
HGH has to be used in combination with Lixus Labs Anabolic steroids to be even more effective. Because growth hormone has a short half life injections should be divided throughout the day.
All professional bodybuilders use HGH as well as most of professional athletes from boxers, martial artists, gymnasts... it is a favorite of professional athletes all over the world because of it's unique effects and because there is no method for detecting it in doping tests. The use of exogenous sources of Growth Hormone has been popular in the United States for several years now.
Growth Hormone itself, is an endogenous hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It exists at especially high levels during the teen years when it promotes growth of almost all tissues. It also contributes to the deposition of protein and promotes the breakdown of fat for use as energy. As the body reaches full maturation, the endogenous levels of GH are substantially diminished. After this, GH is still present in the body but at a substantially lower level where it continues to aid in protein synthesis, RNA and DNA reactions and the conversion of body fat to energy. By introducing an exogenous source of this hormone, athletes are hoping to promote these effects, causing the body to deposit more muscle tissue while at the same time reducing body fat stores.
A number of athletes claim that GH is not that effective on its own, but in a stack with steroids it can do remarkable things. Perhaps there is some type of actual synergism created by the concomitant use of these two agents. Empirical data suggests that the efficacy of GH is dose related and that the majority of users may not have been taking enough of it to get positive results. Despite speculation concerning its efficacy, synthetic GH is being used by thousands of elite athletes. These include men and women bodybuilders, strength athletes, as well as a multitude of Olympic competitors. Although Growth Hormone is banned by athletic committees, there is no method for the detection of it which allows drug tested competitors to use this product freely without any ramifications.