Testosterone. A Simple Erection Can Increase Test Levels, Let Alone Blowing a LOAD!


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[h=3]What is the testosterone?[/h]Testosterone - a steroid hormone belonging to the androgen group and is produced mainly in the testicles - as well as the adrenal glands and the ovaries. He is involved in the formation of male reproductive organs, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, regulate spermatogenesis and sexual behavior, as well as the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism. The biological effects of testosterone occurs most vas deferens, epididymis, prostate, seminal vesicles, the hypothalamus, uterus and ovary follicles.
[h=3]Low testosterone levels[/h]Data

  • Scientific studies have confirmed that many older men testosterone levels in the body decline.
  • Low levels of the male hormone testosterone in men increases during the 50-year risk of death.
  • Only 5 percent. men with low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement therapy applied.
What you need to know man
Testosterone rate for men is 9.9 to 27.8 nmol / l (based Medical Diagnostic Center Laboratory standards). Every man should control the amount of testosterone.
The most common symptoms of low testosterone levels:

  • a bad mood,
  • irritability,
  • lack of energy,
  • cognitive impairment,
  • sleep disorder
  • decreased libido and erectile quality,
  • muscle volume and strength decrease
  • body hair loss,
  • skin changes
  • visceral fat gain,
  • bone loss.
[h=3]A few ways to naturally increase testosterone levels[/h]First Consume more of zinc
Zinc is a very important natural testosterone production, so that zinc stops testosterone from the change in estrogen (a female hormone). Zinc converts testosterone to estrogen and zinc improves sperm quality and increases sperm concentration. Low zinc levels in the body can be affected by low testosterone content. Foods rich in zinc: oysters (natural afrozidiakas), beef, liver, shellfish, poultry, nuts and seeds, salmon, brown rice, cheese, beans, turkey, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. It is advisable to consume at least 50-100mg of zinc per day.
Second Eat the good fats
Studies have shown that men whose diet is rich in whole fat had the highest testosterone levels. Naturally increase testosterone levels may be adding to your diet healthy fats, eating nuts and seeds, oily fish like salmon and tuna, as well as for avocados and olive oil and vegetable oils. Diet which is very low in fat can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels because the body needs fat to produce testosterone. This does not mean that you should eat only fat, your daily calorie intake should have at least 20-30 percent of healthy fats.
3rd Reduce your body fat percentage
The more you weigh the higher the percentage of fat in your body, and the higher the level of estrogen. Increased estrogen levels because fat has an enzyme "aromatase" that replaces the male hormone testosterone into the female, this is accompanied by a decrease in testosterone levels. Try not to cut too many calories are making some weight if the amount of calories will be too small for the body stops producing testosterone.
4th Sleep at least 6-8 hours
University of Chicago study showed that men who had slept little decrease in testosterone levels. The study suggests that testosterone levels may be reduced up to 40 percent without getting enough rest. In the morning testosterone levels are 30 percent higher than in the evening, and so gets morning "pickets. A reduction in libido it may mean that the level of testosterone decreases, because you is not enough rest at night. Most of the testosterone produced during sleep.
5th Less stresuokite
When you feel the stress the body releases a stress hormone kortisolį, which stops the production of testosterone. Kortisolis can also increase the amount of fat, resulting in the abdomen. You should stop to worry about different things. Fun fact: A new study says that fans of testosterone decreases 50procentų if their team loses, if the team wins the level increases up to 100procentų.
6th Take 1000-1500 mg of vitamin C per day
Vitamin C reduces the amount of kortisolio, and it allows you to produce more testosterone. Vitamin C also reduces armostase 'hormone levels which converts testosterone to astrogeną.
7th Work out like a real man
You can force your body to produce more testosterone when you do the basic exercises such as squats, press, Deadlifts, chins, lygegretės, military press, etc. According to the Swedish studies to raise testosterone levels should do compound exercises with high weight, as well as the training should take longer than 2 hours. Avoid lazy cardio in which slowly walking or running away for a long period of time.
8th Keep an active sex life
Sexual stimulation or excitement during your testosterone level increases.
On the rare excitement can reduce your testosterone level.
German researchers have found that a simple erection increases testosterone levels. Sex increases testosterone levels in the morning, and an active presence at the time helps to burn fat-win-win.
9th Make sure that you get enough vitamin A, B and E
Vitamins A, B, and E (in combination with vitamin C and zinc) are required for producing testosterone to low levels of these vitamins can lead to low testosterone levels.
10th Do not overheat your testicles
Testicular temperature should be ~ 34 degrees, or a few degrees below body temperature. If you are wearing snug pants, shorts or long enjoy the hot tub, your eggs will overheat, resulting in a decrease in testosterone production.
10. Do not drink alcohol or eat grapefruit

Alcohol is broken down in the liver, which also breaks down and estrogen, which reduces estrogen levels split. This means that there will be lower levels of testosterone. This may begin to grow breasts stop growing a beard, you can also become impotent. Alcohol reduces the amount of zinc in the body. As with alcohol, grapefruit complicated because the liver is also reduced estrogen levels split.
[h=3]Supplements can increase the testosterone level[/h]Tribulus terrestris - herbs used in medicine for a long time. Review of the supplement: Since I am quite mature, it is regular physical activity supplement your diet without credits-alkalyno continuously cycled I use Tribulus terestris 2-3 tabs / day (usually 4 weeks on and 2 off 4sav). Tribulus effects feel great: more qualified energy-endurance workouts, I can not afford "pasidraskyti" Eastern "lower finger numbness, erotic dreams.
ZMA - This 2 + 1 vitamin minerals. It is situated in perhaps the most Zinc affects testosterone production, concrete is the most in the modern diet lack of mineral. Review of ZMA: At some point I decided to try ZMA. Basically, I thought it would help me for sleeping (I have had nerve problems, after all, I work quite stressful mental work ...). I started to look for an optimal price and quality varianto.Vien ZMA miracle did not (maybe I was too short even after taking only ~ 1sav), improved sleep, I felt better rested but nothing very magical. However, after weeks of harnessing tribulusa, the effect was very good. In addition to the well-slept and in the morning I felt fresh and well pailsčjas, workouts so I could pasidraskyti like when I could not take one tribulusa. This combination išvartojau 6 weeks and everything was great, to increase both strength and volume indicators and training and has been a pleasure. Incurred effect was significantly stronger than that for ZMA or tribulusa separately.
lol, man with the amount of erections i get , i should have levels through the fucking roof
I read a first...............grapefruit lowers test? This is the first time I have ever heard this one; before I call BS I would like to know if there is science behind this?
i have always thought, that your natural testosterone levels rise a little right after you cum! Pretty sure a lot of guys know this or at least thought this, as it was common knowledge years ago or going around the boards lmao, now whether it is true or not i have no idea, but i honestly believed in the test levels going up after cumming

as for erections alone making a change, idk man lol