Hexadrone Steroid Prohormone Anabolic and Androgenic Effects & Stacking Cycles Legal


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Hexadrone Steroid

<figure class="featured-thumbnail no-hover" style="margin: 5px 20px 10px 0px; float: left; background-color: black; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 18px; ">
</figure>Hexadrone Prohormone

A new prohormone that is “quasi” legal has hit the market by the name of Hexadrone. This is in fact 6-Chloro-Testosterone or 6-Chloro-androst-4-ene-3-one-17b-ol. This is an actual steroid and not just a prohormone but that doesn't mean it is very orally active. Typically, oral testosterone has a very limited bioavailability and this should be very similar.
Side Effects

Even though this steroid isn't very orally active and will have limited bioavailability, it should be reasonably free from side effects. Hexadrone isn't liver toxic to any appreciable level and it should be decent on the hairline. The 6-Chloro attachment will prevent it from making anything estrogenic and in fact it should act as an anti-aromatase if you look at the structure, meaning it will actually reduce estrogen.
Anabolic Effects

Hexadrone one of the safer steroids on the market but the 6-Chloro also limits it's use for building muscle. Orally, this steroid will be deactivated by various enzymes in the gut, mainly glucoronidase and thus like any oral testosterone, it's value will be limited. The 6-Chloro will reduce many of the negative effects of this steroid and may actually increase the anabolic effects (unlike many other 6 position modifications).
Androgenic Effects

The 6-Chloro molecule on testosterone will reduce the androgenic effects of this steroid, causing it to be mild when it comes to hairloss and prostate issues. Aggression and acne should be limited by the modification as well, which again makes Hexadrone fairly safe in terms of a cycle.
Comparision To Other Steroids

The main problem with Hexadrone is that it is simply a weak steroid in comparison to things like 1-Andro and 6K-P for muscle mass and strength. For being illegal, it is not much of a mass builder and probably functions more as an anti-estrogen than a steroid. It will be expensive to run because it is likely to require 300-600mg for an effective cycle where anything besides the anti-estrogen effects will be noticable.

Hexadrone should stack well with “wet” androgens like 4-Andro and 1,4-OHP since it will reduce conversion to estrogen and help bring out the anabolic properties of these prohormones. Hexadrone isn't going to add significant mass, but the 6-Chloro modification should increase the half life of the steroid that actually does make it into the body. For the money though, there are much better prohormones to stack than Hexadrone for increasing the strength of a cycle.

As of now, Hexadrone is still illegal to sell in the U.S. if one interprets FDA law and thus it creates a problem for the industry as a whole. Supporting illegal, grey market prohormones increases the chance at losing all of these important mass builders and it is better to support legal prohormones like 1-Andro and 4-Andro in comparison to illegal ones like Hexadrone and Epistane.
