Bodybuilding is a science, want to learn?

Iron Game

A few years ago in American magazines debate about bodybuilding is a science? Debaters from opposite camps, however, the outcome of which would affect the view of the sport, nedobral. Although today\'s competitive fight and due to the buying power of millions of people exercising more abundantly drawn from the results of scientific studies, especially in the field of nutritional supplements and training process of Olympic sports, bodybuilding - understood as a process of increasing strength and muscle mass - not a complicated science. Similarly, the still new investors usually do not follow the popular home magazines, let alone modern scientific knowledge alone sought, evaluated and used. If you are a beginner myself neprostuduje methodical instructions in journals that after cultivating skills under the supervision of a trainer or instructor is usually guided to the cookie cutter approach (in the style of "One coat fits all") serving staff, fitness-centers to facilitate the work.

1. Use appropriate exercises

After reconditioning period dumbbell, machines and body weight (isolated, emotional exercises) will immediately begin learning basic compound movements. You get a huge head start for the future, to prepare the body and mind and perhaps discover themselves in a natural aptitude for certain exercises. For example, the biceps, practice strokes on the unit to support the elbow, but at the same time try classical curls with barbell.

2nd Experiment with exercises

Rarely happens that mentally and physically handle a certain exercise right from the start. Should be used to that of the two options. The first exercise you perform technically correct, but fail to evoke sensations of muscle involvement in the relevant area, the second, the exercise feels good, but later, adding weight and under the influence of other exercises you feel that you do not fit, does not work, does not work, you lose a sense of feedback . Proper exercise and intuitively know you do not fight it by common sense, nor do you need to compare training principles with information about muscle stimulation. Going, going to do load and practice all the muscle forces.

3rd Learn the proper technique right from the beginning

Form or technique is not the same as the way of exercise. You can practice slowly or quickly turns tempo workouts, intervals and tools, but the form must still remain within the limits of propriety. Form determines how stable basic position (sitting, lying), a solid grip, breathing and rhythm and deliberate path correction and compliance range of motion.

4. Follow the principle of shifting exercises

Exceptions have sort exercises consecutively by parts (center body upwards, downwards and sideways), and depending on how the main burden synergists. Example: deadlifts, squats in front of NO, NO curls in front chin, compressing rollers on the front bench press triceps NE.

5th excelling in some exercise

As well as a talent for music or abstract science can have the physical abilities to the strength, endurance and speed, and ultimately for certain types of exercises - strokes, pressures, attracting, training with body weight and so forth. Use it as a motivating factor, but do not neglect the other exercises and muscles.

6. The instrument and repeat

How many disks stacking on the barbell and dumbbells which take into his hands clear of your intentions. Questions on the weights and repetitions sound the same ("How much?"), But both components are mutually opposite affect. How many reps? When you\'re experienced, you will find out that the volume and muscle hypertrophy suits range anywhere from 7-8 repetitions to 10-12 reps. Burden for 6 reps is heavy, if you make more than 12 reps, it is light.

Novice when it comes to the gym for the first time, should someone say, "Right now you know about bodybuilding more than you\'ll ever know." Hyperbole and innuendo on the statement philosopher Socrates "I know that I know nothing?" I suggest another ancient idea: "Multi sunt , qui scribe scire volunt, sed discere nolunt, "or" To know and to know that many would like but want to learn. "

Want to learn


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sorry about adding the pic below ur article, lol, just checking on something to see if it works brutha,