1-DHEA, 4-DHEA, and 19-nor The Answer to, Whats Left Legally After SARM Ban

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member

July 19, 2018
19-Nor, 1-DHEA and 4-DHEA To Fill The Void Left From SARM Ban

Where do we go from here?

If you have been following the bodybuilding and supplement scene recently, then you’ll know that a new Bill to Ban SARM was proposed this year (2018) and will likely go into effect before the summer is out. Many supplement companies who carried SARM products or products with sarm in them have pulled them from their store shelves or have closed up shop altogether!
So, the question everyone has been asking is “What new product will replace SARM” ? When the ban is fully implemented not only will distributing SARM be a felony, but even simple possession will land you behind bars. So there has to be something new right! Some smart fella is going to come in and change the chemical structure of one of these banned chemicals and voila, we have ourselves a new potent bodybuilding steroid and sarm alternative by way of moving a bond structure here and replacing molecule here.

Unfortunately the answer to this is an astounding NO! The way these Bills of recent years have been written and ashamedly so, allows no wiggle room due to broad strokes used in the banning vernacular. They didnt just list specific chemical structures this time around nor last time with the DASCA Bill. On top of listing the precise chemical structures to be scheduled were terms so broad that anything could be considered illegal! Yes ANYTHING!

The Only thing worse than being told what your not allowed to do, Is Being told the only thing you are allowed to do!

2014 bill it states:

(i) Subject to clause (ii), a drug or hormonal substance
(other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids, and dehydroepiandrosterone) that is not listed in subparagraph (A) and is derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to, 1 or more anabolic steroids listed in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be an anabolic steroid for purposes of this Act if

(I) the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that either—
(aa) promotes muscle growth; or
(bb) otherwise causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone; or
(II) the drug or substance has been, or is intended to be, marketed or otherwise promoted in any manner suggesting that consuming it will promote muscle growth or any other pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone.

That verbiage should scare every American Nationwide, regardless of their stance on steroids, hormones, supplements or even fitness!


The Only thing worse than being told what your not allowed to do, Is Being told the only thing you are allowed to do!

Well, its just easier right?

Its a whole lot easier to list the few products, drugs, substances, herbs etc, that your being allowed to take, than it is to scroll a mile long list out of what your not allowed to use. I guess i never thought about it that way, but yeah, i suppose it has gotten to that point now hasnt it