Anabolic Steroids Perspective Changes with Age


Staff member
Anabolic Steroids Perspective Changes with Age

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I check this guy out on you tube. He is a real beast, I have had a lot of direction from some great people on this site. They know I'm old, and don't want to get f'ed up. I do love tren , test, mast, but I don't really go beyond that. I do like to run test lower than tren, maybe tren a 525 per week, test, 350 ish per week, and mast 525 per week.
As I get older my body definitly doesn't like harsh stuff like tren and winny, but I still do:D

I have also found that my body doesn't like carbs like it once did; I am much happier on a keto diet................should almost go without saying but my body really doesn't do well with alcohol as I get older.