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<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(54, 57, 64); font-family: libre_franklinregular, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"><h1 class="entry-title itemprop=" name"="" style="box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 2rem; margin: -5px 0px 15px; clear: both; font-family: roboto_condensedregular, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: center; line-height: 1.2;"> SARM Cycles For Burning Fat</h1>

</header>[FONT=libre_franklinregular]In this article, SARM Cycles For Burning Fat article we’ll discuss the Side effects, Protocols, Calorie Counting and other tips as I want to provide you with the best-confined information I can gather from my research online.
This will help you make the right decisions to burn off that fat rapidly and be ripe for the summer.
As we’ve discussed in previous articles the Harmful side effects of SARMS (Selective Androgen receptive modulators).
This is no joke if you do not follow the right method and research there will be consequences.
But we’ve also listed the amazing benefits to these chemicals and the latest scientific breakthroughs the world is facing within Drug experimentation.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Table of Content[/FONT]

  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]What’s the best SARM for Cutting[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]What are the benefits of Cutting with SARMS[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]What are the different types of Diets to Implement[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]How to Calculate calories[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Side Effects and Cutting with SARMS[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]The Ultimate SARM Cycle for Burning Fat[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]PCT Protocol for this Cycle Stack[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Other tips[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]In Conclusion[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]FAQ[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Disclaimer[/FONT]
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]References[/FONT]
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]What’s the best [/FONT]SARM Cycles For Burning Fat

After doing research on all popular SARM’s that have been experimented enough safely according to online reviews. I’ve picked my top 3 SARMs to Retain muscle, Rapidly burn body fat and make you feel great during your cycle.
<figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;"></figure>[FONT=libre_franklinbold]S4 Andarine[/FONT]

As discussed before [FONT=libre_franklinbold]S4 Introduction, the SARM for cutting, [/FONT]S4 is like the Winstrol of SARM’s in an extremely mild format. It has great abilities to keep your body in tremendous shape.
It’s tough to say the results you’ll get from S4, It depends on your body type, body fat percentage and the program that you’re going to implement. That being said I think it can easily get you to lose 5% body fat or more in the space of a 12-week cycle.
Its generally at 25mg doses but since you’ll blend this with other SARM’s you can hit multiple receptors that will relieve some of S4’s side effects.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Side effects[/FONT]
If you’ve read on S4 before you’ll know it can cause a Green/yellow tint when moving from light to dark spaces as its due to the receptor it hits, some people don’t experience this.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Why I think S4 is a good stack with other supplements:[/FONT]
The energy and endurance you’ll receive will make your cutting cycle easy, you’ll be in a better mood and you’ll have no issues keeping your fitness on track.
All the muscle gains you made in the past will be kept. Your body tends to want to burn muscle before burning fat cells, so this will be one good element for the perfect Recomp recipe. (recomposition- the procedure of losing fat and building muscle cells.)

I spoke about Ostarine before and why I thought it was the Best SARM available

Also known as “[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Enobosarm[/FONT], is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed by GTX, Inc for the treatment of conditions such as muscle wasting and osteoporosis, formerly under development by Merck & Company.”
Ostarine is the ultimate feel-good look good SARM as it is the most studied and research SARM supplements available along with its Dynamic effects. It’s really useful for both bulking and cutting and keeping that muscle look lean and dry.
Males is 20mg from 4 to 6 weeks cycle is the general protocol but since you’re blending this with S4 you’ve to decide yourself on the variables and potential side effects. 10mg should be enough for a cutting transformation.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Side Effects [/FONT]
Ostarine doesn’t really have many side effects in my opinion besides some mild Gyno that can be combated with a mild PCT.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Why I think Ostarine is a good stack with other supplements:[/FONT]
As I said its just a great chemical in general. It’s so useful in most stacks, why not keep your body more anabolic hitting multiple receptors to get the best results in the quickest amount of time. Pushing food into the muscle cells versus your fat cells is a winning combo to ensure a body recomp.

We’ve said Cardarine’s insane effects in previous blogs before’s insane effects in previous blogs before. It’s not exactly a SARM but it is in the sarm family. To keep your energy through the moon and to be fully engaged in your fat loss this is the ultimate supplement to stack along with S4 and Ostarine.
Expect yourself to double or triple your cardio sessions after a weight lifting session.
20mg is the standard base for Cardarine and I would suggest starting from 10mg and building your way up to see how your experiment is going.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Side Effects [/FONT]
There are no known side effects but you can read more on the case studies breakdown on my previous blog
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Why I think Cardarine is a good stack with other supplements:[/FONT]
Anyone whos performed a successful weight cut before knows how exhausting and difficult it can be to keep your energy and mood afloat. Cardarine will ensure you get this formula together to get the best results.

<figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;"></figure>[FONT=libre_franklinbold]What’s the General Benefits of Cutting with SARMS[/FONT]

If you’ve ever performed a weight cut before and your body type and genetics are not optimized to hold onto the muscle you previously gained you’ll know the hardship that comes with cutting and not getting the real results you’d like.
Constantly cutting and bulking can take years to get right and life’s too short in my opinion to hold back, I do not recommend this for beginners and for the general population I always recommend you can consult a doctor or professional before carrying out these experiments.
These are not legal steroids these are research chemicals.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]What are the different types of Diets to Implement[/FONT]

If you’ve been in the fitness industry for some time you’ve probably read out the Keto, 4-hour body, Atkins, Vegan, Potato (Yes there’s a Potato diet), etc.
After years of experimenting, my body type won’t allow any short cuts as I’m a mesomorph.
Mesomorphs are generally people who are of medium build that can build muscle easier than reducing fat loss.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]I noticed that the following diets are useful:[/FONT]

  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Carb Backloading[/FONT] – Carb Backloading is restricting carbs during the day until post-workout, the idea is that you’ll store less for and your body will use more general Insulin to produce more muscle.
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Carb cycling[/FONT] – Carb Cycling is switching you’re macronutrients every few days to constantly trick your body into more fat burning. So 2 days High carb ( In a Calorie Deficit) 2 days Low carb higher fats ( In a Calorie Deficit) Maybe one low carb day and one High-fat day ( In a Calorie Deficit) depending on what’s optimal for your body.
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Calorie Deficits – [/FONT]if your new to Calorie deficit can be easier to maintain
    this General path as you’ll continuously eat the same foods, the only issue can be that your body might get used to this adoption over time, so continuously tricking your body is a good way to combat this.
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Intermittent Fasting[/FONT] – This is where you don’t eat for approx 16 hours and fast in the morning or evening and eat foods in an 8-hour window.
  • [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Ketogenic diets [/FONT]– This is where you only consume maybe 5% to 10% of your calories from Carbohydrates. 60% to 75% of your Calories from Fats and 15% to 30% of your Calories from Protein. There are Blood tests you can do if you enter Ketosis which is essentially switching your body from using carbohydrates as fuel to Fats which can be challenging and limited and it takes up to 12 weeks to feel and see these effects.
This is specific to my body, some folks get fat from high carbs or Fat from high protein and fats (Insulin spikes) or feel generally flat.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]How to Calculate Calories[/FONT]

First, you need to find out what your BMR ( My Basel Metabolic rate ) is. You can try this out [FONT=libre_franklinbold]here[/FONT]:
Your [FONT=libre_franklinbold]BMR [/FONT]is the [FONT=libre_franklinbold]rate[/FONT] of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. So basically its the minimum amount of Calories you need to keep your organs and body just functioning and stay alive
I’m 5″11 Male, Age 28 for example. I’m 185 lb pounds. My BMR rate is [FONT=libre_franklinbold]1929[/FONT].
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Determine your activity factor.
– Sedentary = BMR x 1.2
– Lightly active = BMR x 1.375
– Moderate = BMR x 1.55
– Active = BMR x 1.725
– Very active = BMR x 1.9
Multiple 1929 x 1.55 = [FONT=libre_franklinbold]2989 [/FONT]as more Maintenance. So If I want to keep my body looking the exact same without losing fat or building muscle this is what i’d aim for.
So If I want to Cut and burn fat I’d Subtract 500 (calories) from my Maintenance of 2989.
If I want to Bulk and build muscle I’d add 300 (Calories) to my Maintenance of 2989.
One size fits all does not apply here. Here we’ll go more in-depth.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]My example.[/FONT]
So Protein is 1 gram per pound bodyweight. Equals 185 grams of protein
Fat I do .4 grams per body weight. 185 x .04 = 74g of fat
Carbs are not an essential macronutrient. But they do help you build size and muscle. I fill in the rest of the grams with carbs if I want to eat let’s say 3000.
So to count the Calories so far you’ve Protein equals 4g per calorie and Fat equals 9g per calorie.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Here’s an example of my markers.[/FONT]

  • 74g of fat multiplied by .9 = 666 calories (Goddam)
  • 185g of protein multiplied by 4 equals 740 calories
  • 666 + 740 equals 1406 calories
  • 3000 calories minus 1406 equals – 1594 calories for Carbs
  • So Carbs are also 4g per 1 calorie.
  • So I divide 1594 by 4 equals 398 g of carbs.
^ I play around with my Marcos here to find my sweet spot, things I often get wrong is measuring fiber intake, 400 grams of carbs is too high for me here so personally I raise protein intake a little.
I hope this helps, it’s safe to keep your fats higher than extremely low as its an essential Nutrient the same goes for protein.
Sounds tedious but this is the Pro way of doing things and trust me once you get into a routine and double up your lunches and dinners to bring to work it’s actually very simple.
I used Myfitnesspal for food intake, here’s an example of how I do things to give you an idea. This is a Step by step instruction on how to custom your own macros.
I prefer to add in my own custom settings as I’m heavy or obese for a 5’11 male.
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</figure><figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">
</figure><figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">

[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Don’t let these numbers control your life but its a good general guideline.[/FONT]
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Side Effects and Cutting with SARMS[/FONT]

The General side effects of cutting with this cycle depend on the duration and dosage you will execute.
I would review my previous articles on each different compound to come to this conclusion.
The main thing to be concerned about is the PCT which I will discuss in detail
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]The Ultimate SARM Cycle for Burning Fat[/FONT]

This depends on the build of the person you’ll experiment with.
I would suggest carrying out more research and consult professionals but generally [FONT=libre_franklinbold]Starting with S4 Andarine 15mg (Approx half the advised dose) Ostarine (10mg) and Cardarine 10mg[/FONT] to see the initial effects.
Since you now know the different variables from each substance from reading this article and my other articles it should give you an <g class="gr_ gr_5 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar only-ins replaceWithoutSep gr-progress" id="5" data-gr-id="5" style="box-sizing: inherit;">idea of</g> how to increase each compound to optimize your program.
<figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">
</figure>[FONT=libre_franklinbold]PCT Protocol for this Cycle Stack[/FONT]

As I’ve said before, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to these protocols. I’ve outlined a lot of this in my PCT Article before.
Speaking broadly here, I would start off having Arimistane or Arimidex available to combat any new side effects that might come your way.
I’d expect this to be minimal however there research chemicals still being studied.
Of course, if you think of experimenting with higher doses, considering getting SERM’s like Clomid and Nolvadex to be safe to keep everything maintained as expected.

[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Other tips[/FONT]

[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Yohimbine HCL[/FONT] can you a useful supplement to stack with SARM’s as they’ve shown to specifically tackle stubborn fat cells. It’s a natural substance that comes from central Africa derived from Tree bark.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Caffeine [/FONT]has shown to keep alertness and boost metabolism that can be very useful when cutting on SARMs.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]H.I.I.T. High-Intensity interval training[/FONT] has shown to reduce body fat rapidly constantly tricking the body to burn calories. This is the name of the <g class="gr_ gr_36 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation multiReplace" id="36" data-gr-id="36" style="box-sizing: inherit;">game.</g> This with a combination of SARMs can really aid your progress to move forward.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]MK677 [/FONT]I’ve discussed Mk677 in previous articles. Since its producing more growth hormone your body will want to release fat cell faster. The only here its that one of the side effects it appetite cravings.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]I would NOT advise:[/FONT]
Clenbuterol and Ephedrine can have terrible side effects on the heart.
<figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">
</figure><figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">
</figure>Here’s a list of clean Foods and sauces I like to use weekly to keep it as clean as possible without going on the Rice Chicken and Broccoli diet.

<figure class="wp-block-image" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 1em 0px;">
</figure>[FONT=libre_franklinbold]In Conclusion[/FONT]

This is still under research from athletes to powerlifters, everyone is going to have different goals and expectations so please do your research.
I did my first cut on Ostarine a few years ago and my body changed its recomp forever. I had more muscle and abs popping which was great.
I believe this is a much safer more effective version of taking Steroids. Not only that but your recovery will be in tip-top shape.


[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Can Females use this Stack?[/FONT]
If females are to consider this method, I would advise splitting the powder in the capsules to bypass any male characteristic side effects.
[FONT=libre_franklinbold]Should I get blood work done after this cycle?[/FONT]
Yes, I always recommend a consult to check your lab work when completing any experiment. It is necessary to prevent and treat any issues that you could face in the future