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<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 20px;">[h=1]Testosterone Enanthate: A Complete Guide[/h]

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  • Testosterone Enanthate: An Overview
    • History
    • Testosterone Enanthate Benefits
    • Side Effects
    • Dosage
    • Conclusion
      • Related Posts
[h=1]TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE: AN OVERVIEW[/h]In the world of cutting-edge athleticism, people are going to increasingly new lengths to achieve an advantage. This is commonly done through the use of supplementation or even the use of drugs. Some supplements can be highly effective, while others do little more than cost you money. In the world of supplementation, steroid use represents a serious possibility. Testosterone enanthate, for example, is an androgen and an anabolic steroid. Like other anabolic steroids, it has significant effects on the body including enhanced muscle growth and improved athletic performance. It is a controlled substance and is banned for use in athletic competition but is used medically for the purposes of testosterone replacement therapy, hypogonadism and as a component of hormone therapy for those undergoing gender reassignment. With increasing numbers of men having low testosterone levels, the clinical use of testosterone enanthate has increased in recent decades. It is one of the most commonly used testosterone steroids.

[h=2]HISTORY[/h]Testosterone enanthate was first used medically in 1954 under the brand name Delatestryl (although a wide variety of brand names exist today). It is essentially a synthetic version of the human hormone testosterone. Testosterone is produced in the body endogenously in the testes, ovaries, and adrenal cortex, and plays an important role in normal body functioning. Low testosterone levels do cause a number of problems in the body, including anxiety, low sex drive, osteo, orosis and dementia. The original testosterone supplements passed through the body quickly but the synthesis of versions of the supplement with esters attached (such as testosterone enanthate) allow the testosterone to work in a more “slow release” way. It is used by bodybuilders and athletes (usually in a grey area of legality as it is a controlled substance).
[h=2]TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE BENEFITS[/h]The benefits of testosterone enanthate are similar to those of other anabolic steroids. Fundamentally, it increases the production of muscle mass (and thus body weight/mass) by increasing the production of proteins (protein synthesis) and blocking the effects of cortisol (a stress hormone) in catabolizing muscle. This allows for quicker muscle growth from strength training and also improved recovery time after working out. It can increase bone mass as well as the production of red blood cells (in bone marrow). It can increase libido and enhance physical strength. Numerous studies have backed these results; nevertheless, if you are considering using this substance for these purposes, it should be noted that it is not a “magic pill” and proper exercise and nutrition remain highly important for athletic gains. In addition, many of these performance enhancing reasons are precisely why it has been banned from use in athletic competition. If you have low testosterone levels from a clinical standpoint, testosterone replacement therapy can lead to pronounced improvements in physical and mental health. In otherwise healthy individuals, testosterone supplementation can escalate serum testosterone levels beyond what is possible from normal endogenous production. This is precisely the reason why athletes choose to take it, but also the reason why it can be potentially problematic for some individuals.
[h=2]SIDE EFFECTS[/h]Naturally, the use of testosterone enanthate can produce a wide range of mild to serious side effects. These include anything from increased appetite and nausea to a higher chance of stroke and heart attack and even death. The increased risk of heart disease is perhaps the most commonly cited concern with the use of testosterone enanthate. Worryingly, it can also cause liver disease and mental and mood problems. Testosterone use of any kind can increase the promotion of secondary sex characteristics such as increased body hair and a deeper voice. It can also cause acne and even decreased sperm count and breast enlargement in men. In women, it can cause male pattern baldness, disrupted menstrual cycles, and an enlarged clitoris. With prolonged use and outright misuse, it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. These include depression, tiredness, and moodiness.
Use of testosterone enanthate can have significant effects on body cholesterol. This is because cholesterol is used in the body to produce a number of different hormones. Altering or interfering the way in which your body produces hormones can be disruptive. It can potentially suppress HDL cholesterol which is understood to be the “good” type of cholesterol, and this possibility is likely why the use of anabolic steroids can be harmful to the cardiovascular system.
Noticeable effects occur between 24 and 48 hours after administration. Bodybuilders who use this supplement tend to administer it every two weeks (or even more frequently). Dosage depends on a number of unique factors and should reflect an individual’s existing testosterone levels.
[h=2]DOSAGE[/h]If given by a doctor for medical use, testosterone enanthate is typically administered by injection every one to four weeks. This can be done by a doctor or at home. It should not be injected intravenously but rather intramuscularly. Dosage is based on individual circumstances (including age and sex), current testosterone levels, and responsiveness to the drug. It may interact negatively with the use of blood thinning medication. It may also harm a fetus and caution should be used if you are pregnant. Breastfeeding while using this supplement is also not recommended. If you are using this steroid, you should have routine tests (including blood tests) to determine its effectiveness and to detect any harmful effects it is having on your health.
If they are prescribed by a doctor, one can be reasonably sure that the substance you are injecting is a pure form of testosterone enanthate. However, because of the controlled nature of this supplement, a black market for it has emerged. Be wary of using versions of this steroid which are from dubious sources, as they may be impure and harmful to your health. Be critical of who and where you purchase this substance from.
[h=2]CONCLUSION[/h]While this brief article is no replacement for actual medical advice from a professional doctor, it has hopefully provided some useful background information on testosterone enanthate. This supplement (steroid) has pronounced effects on the body and carries with it the possibility of a number of side effects. Conduct your own research and ask your medical professional for more information.