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Dianabol has been a popular choice amongst male athletes since the 1960s, but what about female athletes? They have more of a presence now than they ever have when it comes to the bodybuilding and weightlifting stage. Since Dianabol is such a successful and powerful performance enhancing drug, it only makes sense that female athletes should experiment with it just as much as male athletes. The problem is, Dianabol can have some seriously negative side effects, especially for women. Dbol extremely alters the amount of testosterone and estrogen in your blood stream. Such an unstable concentration in the blood can cause problems with the liver over long periods of time. This isn’t so much of an issue if you are using the drug as directed, along with a proper training program and adequate diet.

Dianabol can also cause women to develop more masculine features. The female body isn’t used to having so much testosterone in the body, so side effects including breast reduction, irregular menstrual cycles, increased body hair, and the deepening of the voice are all possible while using Dbol. The good news is that with lower doses, these side effects aren’t as pronounced. Women may also experience very similar Dianabol side effects as men. This includes bloating from retaining water, balding, liver damage, acne and oily skin, insomnia, and high blood pressure. You may also experience mood swings, high cholesterol levels, and tendon damage. Just be sure that you are getting checked out by a doctor if you decide to use Dianabol. They can help monitor your body’s health, so you can continue to be the athlete you want to be.

Not all Dianabol results are negative. Dianabol has proven to be just as successful when used by women, as when used by men. This, of course, depends on the person. Most women who successfully use Dianabol take about 5mg a day for no more than four to six weeks at a time. They can experience significant muscle growth and an increase in strength. Women can also have a reduced chance of getting osteoporosis when using Dianabol. Osteoporosis is very common, especially in postmenopausal women, and it can be extremely detrimental for athletes. It also helps increase lactic acid build up in the body, which helps get rid of carbohydrates from your diet.

​Carbs are one of the main sources of fat weigh gain, so by eliminating them, you are left with more lean muscle. Dianabol is a great way for athletes to gain muscle mass, and in smaller doses, it can be just as effective for women as it is for men. There are some serious side effects that need to be taken into account, but this goes for men and women, and if monitored closely by a doctor, there shouldn’t be too many issues. Besides some of the positive effects it has on women’s health, such as reducing their risk for osteoporosis, Dbol is a great way for athletes of any kind to get the results they are looking for.
Females are best suited using anavar or Winstrol in my humble opinion