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MK-677 / Ibutamoren made simple by Exo

What Does MK-677 Do ?
MK-677 will make your body produce the growth hormone naturally as opposed to getting the hormone from shots like HGH.

How ?
MK-677 is an orally active human growth hormone secretagogue.
This means that MK-677 forces the pituitary gland to secrete more of the growth hormone into the body. It also increases IGF-1 levels in the body

What Are The Benefits Of MK–677 ?
MK-677 can be used for a cut or bulk cycle

Reduced body fat
Increased muscle mass
Increased Appetite
Enhanced recovery
Increased sleep quality
Increased hair and skin health

How To Take And The dosage ?

Some people will take it in the evening for better sleep and to sleep through appetite increase, and some people will take it in the morning to increase their appetite to help in weight gain. you may want to play with the timing that works best for you
It's half life can fluctuate between person to person but in general it's 1 day
Take Exo-Mk677 daily @12.5-25mg a day up to 37.5-50mg a day
Most people decide to fall in the 25mg due to most studies are done at that dosage
you can split that dosage if you want am pm

Thanks For Reading,
What Are The Benefits Of MK–677 ?

MK-677 can be used for a cut or bulk cycle

Reduced body fat
Increased muscle mass
Increased Appetite
Enhanced recovery
Increased sleep quality
Increased hair and skin health

List: [email protected]
Got some dosing PMs…

Take Exo-Mk677 daily @12.5-25mg a day up to 37.5-50mg a day

Most people decide to fall in the 25mg due to most studies are done at that dosage.

You can split that dosage if you want am pm.

If you move up to fast, swelling is typical.

List: [email protected]