Cardio Zone


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Interval Sprints


If you enjoy running of if you love working fast twitch muscles, this will be a challenging workout! The amount of calories burned varies and depends on the activity and intensity. Sprinting in intervals is a great way to diversify your cardio regimen. Interval sprints incorporates alternating high intensity sprints with a lower intensity recovery for an equal or longer period of time.

The body stays engaged in constant motion. If you are easily bored with long duration cardio, this workout will definitely spice up your cardio routine. This is a great way to challenge your aerobic fitness while burning body fat. In addition, sprinting will tone your quads, glutes and core.

You can run sprints outside on a straight road or track. You can use mailboxes or trees as markers for your intervals. Always begin with a set of jogging to warm up the body. Pick an interval distance that you are comfortable with. It needs to be a distance that will be challenging for you to maintain a sprint. Sprint to the first landmark or marker, and then travel back the distance while resting in a brisk walk to allow your heart rate to come back down. Sprinting is an advanced exercise. It is done at 85% to 100% of your heart rate maximum.

If sprinting is too intense, use speed walking or running to replace it. Just remember to alternate the periods of hard work with low intensity recoveries. Do this for a 20-30 minute session. Remember to use your arms to pump powerfully during your sprint and keep your head up and looking straight.

You should lean forward slightly to keep your center of gravity balanced in the forward direction to help increase speed. Many people do cardio at a set pace for a long period to burn calories. The real secret, especially in sculpting the lower body with cardio is to shoot for intensity not duration.

You can also incorporate interval training on a treadmill or other cardio machines. Just alternate a minute of brisk walking with a minute of running or sprinting. Here are two example programs you can follow if you decide to stay indoors and use a treadmill.

Sample Indoor Programs:

Start with a warm up run and then begin sprinting for 30 seconds.

Slow down to a run for the next 30 seconds.

This is one set.

Repeat this for 10 sets, then slow down to a moderate run for 5 minutes for a longer recovery.

Then do 10 more sets of sprints and cool down with a brisk walk for the last 5 minutes.

For beginners, try alternating moderate intensity running for 2 minutes and then slowing down to a brisk walk for 1 minute.

Repeat this for 10 sets and cool down with a slower walk.

Important Safety Tip:

Running is very effective at shedding and reducing hip size but may be tough on the joints and can cause overuse injuries. This activity is not recommended for very overweight people because of its impact on the joints. Instead, try alternating brisk walking with a slower walk for recovery.
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