Reverse grip curls are underrated


MuscleChemistry Member
How to Do Reverse Curls Correctly? - SQUATWOLF

When was the last time you did bicep curls?

If you are regular to weight training, then maybe in your last few sessions. Of course, the bicep workout is one to never miss. When you talk about biceps workout, the dumbbell curls are the first your mind switches to.

Have you ever done reverse curls for your biceps – either on the barbell or the dumbbell? We may once? For most, none. We understand it is not the most popular workout and many don’t care.

Therefore, for this reason, we would like to talk about

Why reverse curls are underrated
Why you should include them on your bicep day
How do reverse curls with some variations?

What are Reverse Curls?
Reverse curls are bicep contraction but your palm facing downward. Unlike, bicep curls where you hold the barbell or dumbbell with your palms facing towards you. However, the isotonic motion is the same.

They can be done on both, dumbbells and barbells. However, there are various variations to it which we discuss below.

Benefits of Underrated Reverse Curls
You won’t see many pulling these curls at the gym. It is probably the best arm workout. It is a huge hypertrophy secret for you bigger and stronger arms.

Here are a couple of reasons why we think the reverse curls are underrated:

With these, you cannot lift as much weight as on a bicep curl. Many lifters opt for heavier weights. It makes them think their workout is more efficient with a heavier weight.
Reverse curls work on the muscles that are not visible; called the brachialis. It lies underneath the bicep muscle and acts as a structural bridge between the bone on the upper arm and the bone on the forearm. Not being visible results is trainers not focusing on it.
They are the most effective arm workouts which target your biceps and wrists. Here is a list of reasons why you should incorporate reverse curls on your bicep day.

Bigger and stronger arm structure
Increased grip strength and makes your biceps less prone to injury
Alleviating elbow pain during imbalance between the extensor and flexor muscles
Develops brachialis of your upper arm to lift heavier weights
Strengthens brachioradialis of your forearm for better structure
Muscles Worked
For someone looking to have bigger arms, they are key.

If you brachialis is developed, you can lift even heavier weights for your bicep curls. Working underdeveloped muscles improves performance, prevents injury and allows right form.

A well-developed brachialis muscle pushes the peak of the bicep muscle up higher, making for a more dramatic flex and an overall bigger arm.

Primary: biceps brachii, brachialis

Secondary: brachioradialis

How to do Dumbbell Reverse Curls Correctly?
To begin the reverse curl, hold the dumbbell with a pronated grip (palms facing down). Keep your hands and feet shoulder apart and body straight with chest out.
While holding upper arms stationary, curl the dumbbell and let the biceps contract while you breathe out. Make sure only your forearms move.
Continue to curl the dumbbell till your biceps fully contract and the dumbbell is at your shoulder level. Hold contract position for a second.
Bring back the dumbbell down in the same motion to the starting point.
Repeat according to your target sets and reps.
You can replace your dumbbell reverse curls with various other weights and equipment such as straight barbell, EZ barbell, pulley, plate, and kettle bell.

All of them more or less do the same muscle impact for you. Find out which of them is suitable for you and don’t neglect the reverser curlers.

Key Takeaway

Do not neglect underrated workouts which work your not-so visible muscles. They can help you grow the primary muscle and make your other workouts more efficient. For example, working on the brachialis. Incorporate reverse curls on your bicep day and you can aim for bigger arms with efficiency and injury prevention.

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