Do most people know their blood type? and should they?


Staff member
Just curious about whether or not most people know their blood type, as i don't know mine, and I'm not sure if thats something where someone would look at me like I'm nuts for not knowing or whether most guys don't know their blood type?

I have been curious of this for some time now and just curious if you all know yours
hell i don't even know the types there are, lol, i know one is rare, no idea why, but yeah i don't even know the various types out there
Not everyone knows brother. Its not uncommon to not know. Rarest type is AB Neg. Most common in O Pos...... The types are O Pos, O Neg, A Pos, A Neg, B Pos, B Neg, AB Pos, AB Neg
an interesting fact about the most common blood type, O is that you can only receive that type. If you are A, B, or AB, you can receive O type blood but if you are O, you can only receive O. And then of course, there are the Rh Factors..pos or neg.
I'm a bit weird I guess because I had to know what my parents and siblings blood types were from my early teens. I wouldn't stop bugging my mom until she pulled out vital statistics and told me lol.
an interesting fact about the most common blood type, O is that you can only receive that type. If you are A, B, or AB, you can receive O type blood but if you are O, you can only receive O. And then of course, there are the Rh Factors..pos or neg.
I'm a bit weird I guess because I had to know what my parents and siblings blood types were from my early teens. I wouldn't stop bugging my mom until she pulled out vital statistics and told me lol.
O receives O
A receives A,O
B receives B,O
AB receives A,B,AB,O

O donates A,B,AB,O
A donates A,AB
B donates B,AB
AB donates AB

and of course the RH factor is RH neg can give to RH pos but RH pos cant give to RH neg. It gets more complicated if you want to get into Phenotyping and all that.
I didn't know until I joined the military. A pos seems to be extremely common. I've met more A pos than any other types.
Its good to know your blood type. I know mine from the military as well and when I traveled to foreign countries. I eat for my blood type and it hasn't steered me wrong yet. Some say that how I got so big because I work with my body not against it.