Decorum and manners in the gym


New member
So at the gym- lots of noobs as we all know.
I was always brought up to have manners no matter where and that extends to the gym. Was going to use the rack the morning and this big Amazon chick( not fat just talk) decides to her crossfit exercises with step up platform right next to the rack and the free weights. So as to not hit her with bar , I asked her if she was using the rack(I thought she wasn't but asked anyway). Instead of saying no ( like most people would) she started to grab all her stuff and move it throwing to down. It wasn't like asked her for her kid, but a little extreme attitude. And most gyms have crossfit stuff away from the racks and free weights . I could have been a dick and just started around her but you know I was trying to be polite.

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Yeah it's that time of year... Social hour on stretch mats or long conversations in front of the water coolers. Tripping on shit and asking questions. Asking questions like "can you show me how to use this?". I want to wear a sign around my neck that says ( if your a dude--come to the gym for at least 3months in a row and maybe
will talk with you? If you have a vagina and your BF is under 20% ask away"
I guess I am a little different in that unless I am in the middle of a set I am happy to help anyone who asks. A lot of people were "kind" to me when I was new and it feels good to pay if forward or know what I mean.

The people I try to help the most are kids that are 14-16 that just look lost and have bad form; I will go out of my way to help them.
Ha..... You should see my gym. I work out at this brand new, state of the art facility at the university I work and attend school. So each semester, about the first 4 weeks, we get these freshmen, that have never seen the inside of a gym, come and work out. Unbelievable, at least I know in a few weeks they'll be gone. On the other hand, the view is absolutely amazing, always keeps me coming back!