Anyone else have a cheese addiction?


New member
I swear i eat at least one serving of melted cheese per day...

Melted cheese on toast...4 cheeses on 1 toast ...sloppy greasy cheesy... mmmm

Surely cant be doing me any health benifits
I'm a cheese fiend and white cheddar gets me good. I was in the French Quarter in New Orleans the other day and passed a cheese shop. Let's just say 460 dollars later I left with lots of cheese glorious cheese. One of em from England has me by the balls right now it's very complex with a salty bitterness on the tail end. I want to eat lots of it but you can't really because it's so rich.
Yall crazy...but if it was milk or better chocolate milk i will make myself sick drinking it. Crazy bastards lol
I am very addicted to cheese I love grilled cheese I out 3 kinds of cheese on it,pizza ,munster cheese on my sandwiches.its hard to cut when u need cheese....
cheese contains casomorphins which has an opioid effect on many many people, thus the addiction. I've also met people who are milk addicts, for real.
Yes sr I eat it on everything if I order pizza with extra cheese I add to it and reheat it in the oven it's my weakness
I like cheese. Not like some ofnyou guys, but itnis good.

Luckily, it is usually doable on keto. :)

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X
Im a huge cheese lover, and milk lover lol, especially chocolate milk, but as i got older the milk started to disagree with me more, and as i got older the cheese too started to clogged my ass up, so i stay away from it all whenever i can now
yeah, same prob as Presser--I LOVE cheese, but it keeps me stopped up so I avoid it. I'm past the age where I want big glasses of milk, and I don't really eat cereal except for granola that I make at home.
I stayed away from cheese for a long time after a really bad incident with it as a kid. I ate 2 pounds of sharp cheddar one night and well of course it stopped me up bad. After about two weeks with no dumps something had to give and lets just say it was my sphincter that gave. This log was so massive that I had to stand up so it could finish coming out because it had bottomed out in the toilet. Lots of blood and a massive turd leaning against the toilet seat it was so long. Wouldn't even flush I had to take it outside and toss it. That childhood lesson was called take all good things in moderation.

Cheese is my addiction. I like some french type of cheese. Like blue cheese. But must be prepared to eat it.
Melt cheese is a perversion
yeah on St Patricks day my shop rite had an irish sharp cheese on display with samples, i had one sample and bought two big blocks, it was so fucking good, some crazy sharp irish cheese
Study reveals cheese is as addictive as drugs. So be careful! It's acts hidden. You will not notice how you will carry out of the house last TV for a piece of cheese.
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