Ancaster natural bodybuilder Joey Steinbach earns Mr. Teen Ontario title Bishop Tonnos student now qualified to compete nationally


Great future!


Joey Steinbach has laid claim to the Mr. Teen Ontario crown.

The 16-year-old finished third in the Men’s Physique competition category, second in Junior Men’s and first in Teen Men’s Physique at the natural bodybuilders’ provincial championships in London, Ont., to earn the title.

“To be the first ever Mr. Teen Ontario is an accomplishment I never would of dreamed of achieving years ago when I started training, but now that I have earned such a title, I feel truly like a champion,” said Joey.

“The people around me have shown so much love and respect for what I have accomplished at my age and it really gives me a sense of pride in my life.”

Joey, who has always been physically fit, started bodybuilding at the age of 14. He was working out regularly at a local gym before he decided one day in October 2015 that he wanted to take the sport to its limit. The Bishop Tonnos student altered his diet and connected with trainer Josh Leo. The changes to his physique were almost immediate. At five foot five inches and 135 pounds, Joey now has what judges describe as a “beach body,” with a V-taper from broad shoulders to a tiny waist.

Joey trains for an hour and 15 minutes at a stretch, five days a week. On Sundays, he trains with International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) pro Eren Legend. The 25-year-old Toronto-based athlete’s natural athleticism is recognized around the globe, and each Sunday, members of “Legend Nation” gather to train, talk and support one another.

“The most incredible part of my journey, as corny as it sounds, is the people that I have met along the way,” said Joey. “I have made so many friends from the fitness life, the best of them being my fellow ‘Legend Nation’ members.

“They give me the motivation and the drive I need to carry out the steps necessary to get where I want to go. We are really like a family and I love each and every one of them.”

Joey’s accomplishments in London qualify him to compete in all three divisions of the Canadian natural bodybuilding competition in 2017.

“To win the overall Mr. Canada title at the national level in men’s means that one becomes officially an IFBB pro, but that, at 17 years old, would be icing on the cake. My goal now is to be the first ever Mr. Teen Canada,” said Joey.