Turkesterone Review

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With the growing popularity of bodybuilding over the last few decades, it seems like everyone at the gym these days wants to achieve a world-class physique in minimal time. In order to accelerate the process, many individuals complement their training and diet with steroids while failing to realize that the use of synthetic hormones can come with a major cost.

Thankfully, there’s a promising natural supplement that has surpassed the benefits of steroids with minimal side effects called Turkesterone.

Here, I’ll explain exactly what Turkesterone is and how bodybuilders are using it to build muscle, lose body fat, and achieve their goals.

What Is Turkesterone?
Ecdysteroids (ECDY) are naturally occurring steroid hormones extracted from arthropods, insects, and some plant species. Ecdysteroids (ECDY) which are naturally found in plants, are given a special name, phytoecdysteroids.

Turkesterone is one such phytoecdysteroid having a 11?-hydroxyl group (1). It is analogous to 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is a steroid hormone derived from insects. Therefore, it possesses similar anabolic effects as its analog.

Turkesterone originates from Asian and African countries and is more commonly found in plants like marla root and leuzea (2).


How Does Turkesterone Work?
Turkesterone initiates a couple of anabolic pathways, and its mechanism of action can be considered similar to testosterone, except that turkesterone doesn’t bind to androgen receptors. This minimizes the risk of the development of any steroidal side effects.

Turkesterone helps to trigger a cascade of reactions in muscle tissues. It enhances the translation process of mRNA, which is a fundamental step in protein synthesis (3).

It stimulates the uptake of certain amino acids, such as leucine, by the muscle cells. Leucine is an important amino acid required for muscle protein synthesis. The overall effect of all the reactions is to stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

Research suggests that turkesterone helps balance the nitrogen content within the body by preventing muscle breakdown (reduced catabolism) (4). Turkesterone also generates more metabolites in the muscles, such as creatine phosphate and ATP content (5).

This phytoecdysteroid initiates notch signaling pathways in the skeletal muscle cells, converting the stem cells into new muscle cells (6).

Perhaps, the major anabolic effect that turkesterone produces is by modulating the secretion of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands (2).

Benefits Of Turkesterone
The biggest takeaway from consuming turkesterone is the increase in muscle mass. It also helps in muscle repair and ensures a faster recovery period between your two consecutive workout sessions.

As turkesterone regulates hormonal secretion, it helps manage blood pressure, eyesight, overall mood, and growth patterns. Additionally, it triggers certain anabolic pathways that enhance the immunological response in the human body.

Finally, Turkesterone also possesses adaptogenic properties, which means it can help manage the response against stress and anxiety and it has been observed to improve libido.

What really distinguishes turkesterone from other steroid hormones is that it doesn’t require PCT (post-cycle therapy) as it does not affect testosterone levels in the body.

Is Turkesterone Legal?

As turkesterone offers a wide array of benefits ranging from muscle building to enhanced cardiovascular health, it has been declared a legal substance in the USA and many other countries.

Who Should Use Turkesterone?
The type of benefits that turkesterone offers make it a suitable supplement for all types of fitness freaks.

Both bodybuilders aiming for big and husky muscles or anyone looking to improve their stamina and strength would greatly benefit from its use with almost no worry about any side effects.

Forms Of Turkesterone

Turkesterone is only available as capsules in the market. Therefore, you need to reflect upon your dosage guidelines before ordering the capsules from any online stores.

Turkesterone Dosage
Although a healthcare expert will suggest personalized dosage guidelines, it is generally considered safe and optimal to consume somewhere between 500mg-1000mg of turkesterone a day.

You can split your dose by taking 2 capsules in a day of equal power. One of the capsules can be taken with breakfast while the other one with dinner.

Make sure to avoid consuming turkesterone capsules while having an empty stomach as this may lead to mild side effects like GI discomfort or nausea.

Turkesterone Cycling
The good thing about turkesterone is that it doesn’t bind to androgenic receptors, which means it will not result in any side effects. Thus, you can consume turkesterone for as many months as you want.

But, it would be ideal to continue a cycle for 8-12 weeks followed by a break for a few weeks.

This cycling strategy will help you assess your body’s response towards turkesterone before kickstarting another cycle.

Turkesterone Stacking
Turkesterone can be stacked with 20-hydroxyecdysone, which is its analog. The synergistic anabolic effects of both the compounds on the body can be tremendous.

You may also supplement turkesterone with testosterone and growth hormone (GH) boosters for optimum muscle changes and other effects in the body.

As turkesterone can manage fat and glucose metabolism in the body, it can also be stacked with fat loss supplements (7).

Reviews of Turkesterone
There are multiple Turkesterone supplements available online today. I extracted the following reviews from Amazon regarding a pure Ajuga Turkestanica supplement as an example of how certain consumers feel that this compound has benefitted them:

Chuk999 said,

“I feel stronger and recovery is faster and more effective. No side effects although I am sleeping better, too. Seems like a wonder supplement that clearly goes under the radar”.

Coy Johnson said,

“I really love this product. My strength has increased and my muscles are denser”.

An anonymous user said,

“This is an amazing product. I’m way stronger in the gym. I could tell the very first day I used it. I am in my 40’s and I’ve been out of the gym for about 4 months and out of my routine. It’s kinda tough getting back into it once you’re out a few months. Started taking this product and it was like I never left. Felt awesome!”

When I read the discussions related to turkesterone, I found that the major concern was only related to pricing. Some people found it a bit expensive relative to other anabolic agents.

Turkesterone Side Effects
As mentioned earlier, turkesterone doesn’t follow the anabolic pathways like other steroid hormones. Thus, you shouldn’t be worrying about any major side effects.

Mild levels of side effects include lethargy, fatigue, and short-term headaches.

One of the most common symptoms experienced by turkesterone users is the feeling of nausea after consuming the capsule while having an empty stomach. Make sure you avoid doing that!

Turkesterone vs. Other Compounds
Turkesterone vs. Steroids
All the steroids work by binding to the androgen receptors in the body (8), while turkesterone doesn’t bind to the androgen receptors. This implies that it is possible to experience side effects after consuming steroids while turkesterone is risk-free.

Once steroids enter the body, it converts itself into estrogen. On the other hand, turkesterone doesn’t aromatize into estrogen.

Turkesterone vs. SARMs
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) work in a specific way (9). As the name suggests, it is selective in action. Therefore, it only binds to selective androgen receptors of skeletal muscles.

SARMs are also hypothesized to affect organs negatively like the liver and kidneys. But this phytoecdysteroid poses almost zero damage.

It is important to note that some of the bodybuilders have started giving preference to turkesterone over SARMs.

Turkesterone vs. Peptides
Muscle-building peptides follow multiple courses of action, unlike turkesterone, which works in a relatively specific way.

In terms of side effects, there are no peptides that are risk-free. Turkesterone is considerably a safe compound whatsoever.

Compounds Similar To Turkesterone
Considering the mechanism of action and the benefits, turkesterone is most related to SARMs.

One of the SARMs, Ligandrol or LGD-4033, rapidly brings a spike in muscle mass and helps lose fat. This orally available SARM is a safe compound and can bring tremendous results.

Another similar SARM, testolone or RAD 140, boosts muscle mass and is one of the strongest SARM for consumption.

Is Turkesterone Legit?
After my thorough analysis of this phytoecdysteroid, I believe that turkesterone is definitely a breakthrough supplement.

This steroid hormone works in a very organic way without suppressing the expression of any natural hormones such as testosterone. It is a rare risk-free natural supplement for users.

Based on what I have found on the internet about turkesterone and my knowledge, I would definitely recommend this supplement to bodybuilders and athletes.

Turkesterone FAQs
Does turkesterone require PCT?
No, it doesn’t require PCT (post-cycle therapy) as it doesn’t bind to androgen receptors.

Is Turkesterone a steroid?
Turkesterone is a plant derivative of ecdysteroid. It contains a 11?-hydroxyl group.

How much Turkesterone is in Ajuga extract?
Ajuga Turkest Extract Powder contains approximately (10% Turkesterone).

Best Steroid Stacks for Sale

We've scoured the web for our favorite steroid stack alternatives and came up with this.

Crazy Bulk has the bulking stack with alternatives to Dianabol, Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin and Testosterone.

They also have the cutting stack with alternatives to Anavar, Winstrol, Clenbuterol and Testosterone.

You can also buy them individually.

If you're interested in more potent compounds you can always check out the latest research on SARMs and buy them from Science.Bio.

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