viagra and juice


New member
any of you guys ever hit up viagra while on the sauce??? also, any of ya tried any of that male enhancement shit (longitude, enzyte). just wondering...thinking about trying that shit to make my donger grow to historical proportions :D oh ya...also, i think this smile her looks like the dude is wankin himself.... :arcade:
I tried Longitude, didn't work one bit.

I have a friend that swears by the pump, I might try it.

But no, that herbal crap didn't do a damn thing for me except make my piss burn!
damn... i'm so horny on this test i got to spank the monkey at least once a day plus give the girl some lovin. i can't see the need bro...
I agree with Hunter. As long as you put test in your cycle, your dong should be up and running.

Also, you can have some pretty nasty sides from using Viagra if you aren't actually impotent.

Check out this excerpt from a nasty article written about using V when you don't need it:


Also, there is a dark side to Viagra that nobody ever talks about, and I DON'T mean its interaction with nitrates. What I am about to say is related to the misconception that Viagra is some kind of aphrodisiac. ("If it can give that old geezer a boner, imagine what it will do for ME!") It just doesn't work like that. If a healthy person with ample cyclic GMP used Viagra, the likely outcome is a prolonged erection, the Energizer penis (It keeps going and going and going Äm). The bad news is, your blood will naturally clot and harden if it stops flowing for a long time and you will get the Ragu penis (Comes out chunkier than the rest). If you have an erection longer than four hours, the blood will coagulate inside your penis and you will lose your stick for good. You will have the 7Up penis (the un-penis). I used to work in an urological hospital where I developed rapport with some urologists. One doctor told me how they treated a prolonged erection.

The first line of treatment is to drain the blood. You take two 18 gauge syringe needles and stick them to both sides of the penis. 18 gauge is the largest size most hospitals stock and it is generally used to pierce rubber caps to withdraw medicines from bottles. It is not usually used on humans. You have to stick two of them because the penis is divided into two compartments. You do not anesthetize because there is no blood flow. If this does not do the trick you fill a big syringe with a solution of saline and heparin, an agent that keeps blood from clotting, and stick the mother into the penis and inject the liquid until you get the Excedrin penis (It's THIIIIISSS Big!). Then you pull on the piston to retrieve the half hardened blood together with the saline. Then you inject again and withdraw again and inject again and withdraw again until the blood is all washed out. Believe me, this is not the kind of pumping you want to do with your penis.


I agree. nasty stuff. no V for me.

Word of advice if using Viagra DO NOT use "Poppers." Both are together are not a good combination.
Had massive doses of test and used viagra/cialis on more than one occasion. Just put the cape back on and fly out the window when done. :D