Thought's on Lee Labrada's products


New member
What's everyone think of Lee Labrada's product's. I eat my last meal with carbs around 8pm since i dont get off work til. 12midnight. I get a brake around 10pm and sometimes get hungrey. Was looking for a good Low carb bar. When I get home I usually take a shower and drink a Pro Complex Shake before bed, it only has 3grams of carbs in it. Or i eat some grilled chicken and a side salad off the foreman grill.
They're better than most. I have had the PB/chocs and I like them. Not the equal of tri-o-plex by a long shot but still much better than most.
I have always put his products right up at the top of my list.

Only thing is that they are pricey. They are almost always the most expensive per serving and there aren't alot of serving, either.
