Arginine/Ornithine as Powerful PCT Nutrients


New member
Though I am sure many of you are already aware of the amino acids L-Arginine and L-Ornithine (L-Lysine is sometimes associated with these) I feel that they are, in general, a bit underappreciated. So, I'd like to present some facts I've gleened from the literature over the years and some ideas of my own. Even though I'm speaking with an aire of authority in the following- I could very well be wrong on somethings.... Please then: critic, affirm, suggest, bump!

Here you are at the end of your 23 week cycle of a gram a day of X test ester (and the 5 other AASs you were stacking) and your nuts are so small that you are actually opening the "ENLARGE YOUR BALLSACK!!" spam you've been getting. Your body, being the clever organism that it is, has shut down all natural testosterone production in response to the hormonal onslaught it has perceived. You're not producing even a 70 year old man's worth of GH. Your HPTA is all out of wack. In a word, you're crashed.
But you're a knowlegable guy and have a post cycle therapy all planned out. You've got Clomid to ward off the last bits of estrogen and to kick start your natural production of LH and FSH in the pitutary. HgC is also helping your pituitary get back online.
It seems obvious that the pituitary is a pretty important little nubbie on the brain. Not only is it a key player in the complicated web of natural androgen production, its also where growth hormone is produced.
And the web is complicated. LH and FSH up the androgens, then the andros turn around and shut down LH & FSH. GH ups IGF-1, then IGF turns around and stops GH production. Its this balanced feedback system that you're trying to restore with a PCT.
But sitting on top above all this action is the hypothalamus- an amazing bit of brain that commands body temp, water balance, metabolism, blood pressure, sex, sleep, and emotion... to name a few. Most importanly, it tells the pituitary to pump out the GH.
This cascade sequence is analogous to how rumors are spread: one person (the hypothalamus) tells 5 people, those five tell 50, 50 tell 1000- soon, the whole town knows you got a raise because you're fucking your boss (oops, sorry... my personal life sneaking into this....). The hypothamamus uses GHRH (Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone) to do the talking to the pituitary.
Now, to the point of all of this: Arginine and Ornithine are two amino acids that cause the production and release of GHRH. These two simple nutrients, alone or synergistically together, go straight to the top and get the whole system going again.
There are a few catches however. One is the blood/brain barrier (the BBB). The BBB keeps any old thing from getting in and messing with your noggin. Its why you don't get high every time you eat a tattertot with its ~1000+ different chemicals. Chemicals need to be transported across the BBB to have any effect on the brain. Amino acids have a transporter just for them as many play vital roles in brain function. But, they compete with each other to get in there. If you eat arginine along with all the other amino acids in your turkey sandwich, they all get in in pretty much equal amounts and arg isn't able to do it thing with GHRH.
You have to do two things to get around this. One; you need to spike your blood levels with arginine and/or ornithine. You do this by eating a shit load (inbetween a butt load and a fuck load) of the amino acids. Two; you have to eat all this on an empty stomach.
Now, I grant you, it seems counterintuitive to intentionally have an empty stomach when you're trying to hang on to your gains at the end of a cycle.... but its part of a GH triple whammy: eat your arginine (which ups GH levels) on your empty stomach (a little fasting also ups GH) and do it all right before you go to bed (sleep also ups your GH production). It seems reasonable that this triple whammy will greatly add to your PCT.
Some last points: L-Ornithine is a little more effective than L-Arginine, but they work best together. Great Earth (THE best vitamin manufacturer IMHO) makes a combo of 400mg Arg with 200mg Orn. Twin Labs also makes a good combo. Six grams or more (ten grams?) is an effective dose.
So there's my big fat opinion: a couple of cheap, readily available nutrients are probably an overlooked but powerful potential addition to your PCT arsenal.

Take Care and be safe- Skinny23
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Skinny, I really enjoyed your written piece.

I do have a couple of problems with it. Are you saying that your GH levels are down after a AS cycle? I never heard of this unless GH or IGF was included in the AS cycle. So can you please elaborate.

Next L-Arginine and L-Ornithine have been around for years. There was some landmark study down several centuries ago that showed how GH levels were elevated after L-Arginine was taken orally. The problem was these findings could never be duplicated. Now L-Arginine will release GH big time but it has to be injected by IV.

Last what would the cost be for L-Arginine and L-Ornithine supplimentation post-cycle? Curious, to see how it compares to other alternatives.

Your thoughts on my thoughts- LA