Hairy Monster!!!!


New member
aight people i need some help!!! i'm probably one of the hairest people u could ever think of. And i hate it. Hairy back and chest. I have shaved and tried nair. But it comes back to fast. I realize that waxing is gonna hurt but laser sounds too expensive. I need some help. And when i am hairy u can't see any definition of my muscles. Please help me.. thanks
i am very curious about laser hair removal. im wanting to do a full upper body permanent hair removal... chest, back, arms. do u know the prices on this?
My sister told me she had this done to her armpits and it only removed about 25%-30% of the hair she said. She told me it wasent worth it, especially if you wanted large sections of your body done. But I guess if you have the money why not??
I dont think anything can stop hair growth for good, maybe a squeegy size razor for speed shaving, thats about all i kow
Cordoba said:
My sister told me she had this done to her armpits and it only removed about 25%-30% of the hair she said. She told me it wasent worth it, especially if you wanted large sections of your body done. But I guess if you have the money why not??
i've seen ads for laser and most places say that it doesn't remove hair in one treatment, it thins it out gradually, so your sister said 25- 30% gone. think one or two more treatments and all you got coming out is peach fuzz right? remember, nothing is ever a "cure all" precedure, it takes time.
depending on how coarse the hair is, laser will always require more than one treatment. for example i have checked for myself, (upper body) and it could take up to four sessions for complete removal.

my doctor does laser treatmant and this is what i was quoted:

back $500
chest $450
abs $300
shoulders $300

hope that helps!
The Docs here where I live, charge $120-170 per 1hr session. They said it may take up to 7 treatments b4 hair dissapears. Also laser hair removel works better on dark hair than light or blonde hair. I did some search online about this. Said that there has not been any research on laser hair removal. That can let people known on who it works and how permanent this procedure is. I get razor bump on my neck area onece in while while and I was considering this. When I heard about this I didn't do it. Very expensive way to find out that it doesn't work.