What do you do on long cycles?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I know many of you have ran long cycles before. IE: more then 16 weeks or so. What do you do to keep the gains consistent?
Im running 800mg's of test E right now and 30mg's of dbol. Ill be dropping the dbol when i run out 8 days from now. Going to run this at 800mg's for about 16 at least maybe 20 weeks. I know gains will obviously plain off and wont be as great, but this being my first really long cycle over 16 weeks what do some of you do to keep them coming. Add in some other compounds orals etc? What would you recommend for me? Im trying to stay away from tren as i dont wanna mess with the sides. any opinions would be great thanks.
i plan on taking the long route ... actually doing battle now.

i too would lik to know what you guys do to keep the gains coming.... as much as i love ana-50, i know i cnt run it too high too long
For me, gains come with consistency over time. Additionally, and most valuably, the gains I get with long-term cycles are virtually permanent with a modest (yet effective) PCT protocol.

I’m a huge proponent of long cycles!
For me, gains come with consistency over time. Additionally, and most valuably, the gains I get with long-term cycles are virtually permanent with a modest (yet effective) PCT protocol.

I’m a huge proponent of long cycles!

I run a base of 1g a year and I seem to still be able to make small slow gains on that. When I want to spike the punch I'll add in more test, NPP, EQ, Masteron, Winstrol, you name it. Its fun. Keep it fun and you will make great gains.
I also plan to do a long cycle but right now while I wait on the cash to come in I'm just playing with numbers and mixes. I wanna know what the Deuce or Irish has to say.
I kinda figured the Duece woulda jumped on this thread.

Awesome thoughts on this Dude! Intriguing indeed!
I run a base of 1g a year and I seem to still be able to make small slow gains on that. When I want to spike the punch I'll add in more test, NPP, EQ, Masteron, Winstrol, you name it. Its fun. Keep it fun and you will make great gains.

I'd like to reach the point of running that kind of base (maybe after a couple years of progress) but even at half that dose I'd be totally unbearable to deal with. Proponents of AAS often say roid rage doesn't exist, rather it enhances or agrivates one's disposition. So if you're an asshole off test, your super asshole on it. Well that's me! Super asshole! So I have to be careful or I'll end up divorced or dead.
Keep changing up the compounds every 8 weeks or so...orals you want to change up a tad sooner...You can run them longer if you get blood work done to see where your at on liver, kidney values, ect...
Awesome thanks guys. Yeah I was gonna run the dbol about 4 or 5 weeks but i realized iw as gonna run out at 3. Didnt wanna order just dbol. Im debating on what orals i wanna throw in on down the road. I usually wont go more then 4 weeks on orals. Ill be getting bloodwork done on week 10 more then likely. I guess the main thing will be to see how myu gains are coming at around week 10 and evaluate it there. I was just curious what some of your protocols are.