rubber coated weights lighter?


New member
i know it can not be, but for some reason the rubber coated dumbells with the thicker handles feel lighter to me than the regular plated dumbells. Anyone else?
ive actually put the dumbells on a scale and they weight what they say... and as for the plates feeling lighter, when you have steel plates we usually grab them with our fingers, and when they are rubber coated with holes we grab them with our hand (thumbs included) so maybe thats why
and as for the plates feeling lighter, when you have steel plates we usually grab them with our fingers, and when they are rubber coated with holes we grab them with our hand (thumbs included) so maybe thats why

This is most likely the answer, although ever since the doubt was put in my mind there is a little mental war going on to ...

One of the gyms i go to has steel and the other rubber coated .. the steel gym i just cant seem to squat the same amount as the other ... i know its a mind game ... just so weird