Tryn to get chest to grow


New member
I'm trying the he'll do you get the bottom & sides of your pecs to grow & develop??!!! I'm doing decline bench n cables....nothing is working....
i would say if anything, you dont really want to build the lower chest. You want to build the upper chest the most. Notice how pro bodybuilders nipples sit low and point down alot of the time. That is from great upper chest build.

I have a hard time getting the chest to handle the weight. Shoulders try to over compensate. What worked for me was narrowing my grip a little (it was very wide) and "benching high" (basically taking out alot of the triceps and shoulders by bringing the bar down to your upper chest instead of mid or lower chest.

find what works for you. the key is feeling the tension directed at the chest.
Do pushups, change it up, I have a lot of people do pushups off of a medicine ball. Put one hand on the ball, do the push up, then roll the ball to your other hand at the top and do the pushup with the opposite hand on the ball. Do like 10 reps each side and do 3-5 sets, it'll help you out bro
how long you been working out bro?

development comes in time man, just stay consistant. and lift hard. eat big, you will grow.
everyone has diffrent body parts that grow quicker than others, thats just genetics.

and like these guys were saying, switch it up. just train hard, go wide....go it all. over time you will grow
Focus on your upper chest and make sure to not lock out. The last part of the arm movement is mostly tricep...Also replace the bulk of your "bench" work with decline bench, but bring it just above the nipples. This gives you a great stretch and also works more of the entire chest than the flat bench. Try these two things with your DB work and stay more away from the flat bench.
Thx...I've been working out a couple years now. My chest looks ok...I just it more developed and need to try different things...I need to shock my body some how
Thx...I've been working out a couple years now. My chest looks ok...I just it more developed and need to try different things...I need to shock my body some how

Explosive movements will help, less weight and do the reps as fast and controlled as you can