Cardio Training and Sexual Performance


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Cardio Training and Sexual Performance - The Benefits of Cardio Exercise on Your Sex Life

Sexual performance is one those things that keeps our mind busy and worried whenever we think about the opposite sex and starting an intimate relationship. Most of these worries come out of the fear of not being able to live up to one's and the other's expectations.
The nightmare of crushing and burning before reaching the ultimate destination can be a dreadful experience that many people (especially men) never recover fully from.
However doing cardio exercise on a regular basis can eradicate most of these anxieties and fears. This type of training has too many benefits that can boost your sex life beyond your wildest dreams.
The benefits of cardio exercise for sex
Here is a complete list of the results you can reap if you do cardio exercise on a consistent basis:
- First of all cardio training strengthens the heart, lung capacity and muscles and this, usually lead to developing more stamina and power in the bedroom. Other areas of your life will improve as well.
- Cardio exercise such as running or biking are proven to be effective at fighting stress and reducing it drastically. If you are stressed out all the time, then you won't have even the desire to fulfill your lover's sexual needs at all.
- Sex itself can be cardio workout, hence improving your cardio power can result in better sexual performance.
- Exercising regularly can help you lose weight and develop a more toned and sexy body. This usually leads to a better self-image and a more positive outlook on life and thus, leading to a better social life..
How much cardio is enough
Doing 3 to 4 cardio sessions for more than 30 minuets a week are quite enough to developing stamina and lung power for better sexual performance. Activities such as running, biking or jump training are some of the best cardio programs you can perform.
Overtraining kills sexual performance
Too much of a good thing can be counterproductive and harmful. Therefore you should keep a keen eye on not doing too much cardio and risking a burnout. Overtraining will not only damage your sex life, it will also increase the likelihood of injury or even worse: chronic illness.
As a result, training within your current capability and respecting your body's limits are the prominent keys to enhancing your sexual performance while avoiding injury and health hazards altogether
I noticed a distint difference when I was doing my former GF. When I wasn't in cardio shape it wouldn't take long. When I was in shape she loved it and I swear she was even singing a song in soprano!
I noticed a distint difference when I was doing my former GF. When I wasn't in cardio shape it wouldn't take long. When I was in shape she loved it and I swear she was even singing a song in soprano!
Now that is wat I'm taking about.. Fuckin Awesome Bro !!:thumbsup:
Thanks Bro, she was hitting notes I never heard before! I'm sure somewhere in the neighboorhood there was a dog howling.....
I know wat you are taking about.. I'm with a lady that is 12yrs older than me.. And ever time I see her I think WOW.. And the sex is just awesome !!!!:cardio:
I always hated cardio ! But God knows I need it! I'm sure it way more important the older you get!

As for me I havent had sex since the stone age so cardio can go fuck itself