Sarms S4 Andarine and LGD-4033


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<article id="post-14" class="post-14 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-cutting-sarms category-sarms tag-andarine tag-cutting-sarms-2 tag-s-4 tag-sarms"><header class="entry-header"> S4 (Andarine)


S4 (ANDARINE) is a SARM that was developed for treatment of muscle wasting, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. S4 is effective in not only maintaining lean body mass, but increasing it while reducing body fat. The way that S4 works is by binding to the androgen receptor demonstrating bone and muscular anabolic activity. By binding to the androgen receptors, S4 alters the expression of genes and increases protein synthesis. This leads to the building of quality muscle. S4 can produce muscle growth as steroids do without the type of side effects that steroids produce. S4 has shown the ability to increase lean body mass, reduce body fat, improve skeletal muscle strength and prevent bone loss. S4 USES: There are three main uses for S4. These are CUTTING, RECOMPING AND LEAN MUSCLE AND STRENGTH GAINS. S4 truly shines in all three of these aspects. When it comes to cutting, S4 produces winstrol like effects with masteron type of aesthetics. S4 truly shines aesthetically for the user that has a much lower body fat. The muscles hardening effects it produces happen rapidly and are generally noticeable within a few days. The lean muscle that S4 provides is very keepable and extremely noticeable. When recomping, S4 also shines. S4 allows a user to increase their lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. A user can produce some of the cleanest muscle gains they will experience on any type of cycle and enjoy seeing the fat melt off. These makes S4 extremely desirable. The strength gains that S4 produces are rapid and lasting. The gains are generally all kept and are very clean. There is an excellent sense of overall well being that S4 provides that makes a user feel just as good, if not better than when they are on a steroid cycle. Proper Dosing and Side Effects: When it comes to dosing S4, it is a very delicate matter. S4 has two side effects that must be addressed. The main side effect of S4 is the vision effect. When run at the 50mg+ doses, many users report vision disturbances. Now these are only present when using S-4 and quickly disappear when S-4 use is discontinued. The side effects are caused by the M1 metabolite and include night-time blindness and a slight yellowish tint to the vision for some users. Although these side effects are temporary, if they are still a concern, as suggested earlier, a 5 on 2 off protocol where S-4 is used for 5 days followed by a 2 day break (then this cycle is repeated) would be the suggested dosing method. The other main side effect is the small amount of suppression that comes with S4. The suppression is nowhere near the amount that comes along with steroid use but it is still something that needs addressed. The use of hcgenerate on cycle helps to keep this suppression to a minimum. A small mini pct ran for 3 weeks is all that is needed with S4. HcGenerate ES ran for the entire time will provide sufficient recovery. As far as the proper dosing goes for S4, I have written a method that should be followed that allows a user to get the most out of S4 that they can. Here is my method in full detail. THE DYLAN GEMELLI METHOD Okay everyone… I wanted to write this up to make sure that everyone knows how to properly dose S4… As most of you know, the common side effect associated with S4 is the night vision issue. This results in one of two or both of these issues: A yellow tint associated with vision at night and/or a hard time adjusting to darkness or light… Normally the adjustment period is very quick but can effect some much worse than others. Basically, s4 can bind to the receptor in the eye causing these problems. UNDERSTAND that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know if this will happen to you and at what dosage this may happen… 50 mg is the general starting spot for dosing. Some people get the vision issue immediately even at this moderate dose. Some are able to get up to 100 mg a day with very minimal problems… There is no way to tell what category you fall into until you try… The vision issue is not permanent and the half life on s4 is very short (around 4-6 hours) Some people are forced to go to dosing s4 for 5 days and then taking 2 off because they cannot handle the vision issue… I try to do everything I possibly can to avoid this because I do not want to miss any days of usage… So, it is important to understand how to dose s4 properly. Some people are content at staying at 50 mg for an entire 8 week cycle. Others, want to increase the dosage but there is a very specific protocol to follow to ensure that vision issues are kept to a minimum… I compare this protocol to fighting Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson’s punchout. If anyone has ever played the game they will appreciate this comparison. When you fight Mike Tyson, the first 1:20 seconds of round 1, if you are hit just one time you are knocked down… This is the danger zone… Once you get past that first 1:20 you are much safer but you still must proceed with caution because the fcker is still dangerous… This is the same with S4… You must go 2 weeks at 50 mg… If you get through the 2 weeks with minimal to no vision issues then you past the danger zone… You are safe then to increase your dosage but must proceed with caution… After two weeks you can bump to 60 mg… Now you are testing the waters… You must now stay on 60 mg between 10-14 days… I would say 12 is the safest bet… Then it is okay to increase again to 70 mg if you are able to… I feel like between 70 and 80 mg is the sweet spot however there is benefit up to 100 mg… You should continue to follow protocol of 10-14 days on each 10 mg incremental increase… By following this protocol, you could get up to 100 mg for at least the last week… You should NEVER GO ANY HIGHER THAN 100 mg… As I mentioned, the sweet spot is between 70-80 mg… Every increase needs to be with extreme caution and if the vision issues begin, you know where your boundary is… Some of us are luckier than others in terms of receptor binding… DO NOT BE IN A RUSH to increase dosage… Following this protocol will be the safest and MOST EFFECTIVE way of dosing s4. S4 has a very short half life of 4-6 hours. The dosage should always be split and taken 4-6 hours apart in equal amounts. S4 BENEFITS
This is a list of the several benefits associated with S4:

  • 1/3 as androgenic as testosterone in muscle tissue.
  • Anabolic at doses above 50mg
  • Great for strength
  • Great for muscle hardness
  • Great for enhanced vascularity
  • Great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
  • Accelerated fat loss above 50mg
  • Joint healing effects
  • Half life of 4 hours
Tags: Andarine, cutting SARMS, s-4, SARMS
Posted in Cutting SARMS, SARMS

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LGD-4033 is a SARM that binds to AR with high affinity (Ki of ~1 nM) and selectivity, class of androgen receptor (AR) ligands that is tissue selective, developed to treat muscle wasting associated with cancer, acute and chronic illness and age-related muscle loss. LGD-4033 produces the therapeutic benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and patient acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanism of action and an oral route of administration. LGD-4033 demonstrates anabolic activity in muscles, anti-resorptive and anabolic activity in bones and a robust selectivity for muscle and bone versus prostate and sebaceous glands. LGD also has the possibility of producing healing effects with injuries and recoveries. LGD is showing to be extremely versatile and effective. LGD USES: LGD can be used in a variety of ways, but seems to truly shine with lean muscle gain. Many users have reported a significant increase in lean body mass, decreases in body fat and significant increases in strength. LGD has many anabolic properties and has shown to be the most powerful SARM to date. LGD has the ability to put on more mass than any other SARM and has shown the gains that occur with anabolics. Users have experienced over 10lbs. of weight gain when incorporating LGD in a bulking manner. The recommended dosage for a bulking type cycle of LGD is between 5-10 mg per day for 8 weeks. LGD shines when it comes to recomping. Many users have reported and increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat. LGD allows for more gain in size and muscle mass than any other SARM and when calories are at maintenance or below, it has shown to decrease body fat. Stacking LGD with other SARMS increases the chances of a stronger recomp. The recommended dose for recompoing is 5-8 mg a day for 8 weeks. LGD can be used to cut as well. A much better cutting cycle would occur when stacked with SARMS S-4 and GW-501516. This would be a similar stack to the highly popular SARMS triple stack, without using ostarine and instead subbing LGD. The recommended dose for cutting is 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks. There are side effects to consider with LGD use. Through studies and logs, the side effects from LGD have so far shown to be minimal. The suppression that has shown has been dose dependent but there has been a decrease in total and free test as well as SHBG. The interesting findings shown have show NO significant decrease in LH or FSH. This is very encouraging to users as it shows that while suppressive, recovery will still not be near as long as with anabolics. It has shown to be non toxic and side effects have been mild to minimal. LGD has not shown increases in estradiol but as with anything, an anti aromatizer should be kept on hand. A full pct, as opposed to a mini pct with other SARMS, is recommended after a cycle of LGD. While it may not be quite as suppressive as anabolics, the suppression is much higher than other SARMS, thus, requiring a full PCT. LGD BENEFITS:
  • Effects similar to anabolics with size and strength
  • Minimal Side Effects
  • Excellent for recomping
  • Healing properties
  • Prevents muscle wasting
  • Works well as a stand alone or stacked with other SARMS
  • Great results in every aspect for different types of goals
  • Half life of 24-36 hours
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we have a few Ligindrol samples left, and yes i spelled it wrong on purpose, as its a popular mispelling for indexing on google lol, what can i say im always thinking about business and Search engine optimization techniques lmao

anyhow, if you wanna do a detailed log in peptide forum with our IGF-1 Lr3 and Ligadrol lgd 4033 (yes i know spelling of sarm is wrong again) lol, let me know

anyone else who wants to give the ligdrol a try, you get a free sample with all IGF-1 orders this week, only if you agree to review and log it for us, so we have some solid customer review logs and ligandrol sarms results from users/customers. Buy Purchase Sarms , IGF-1 Lr3 anti-e and Anti-p as well as finesteride for hair care due to DHT from Testosterone here :

Ok i think i crammed a lot of keywords in that lol
Dude I am excited as shit about doing this log. I told Silk that I am definitely doing it. She can work things out when she fully commits. I'm sure 99% of the people in here would be much more interested in her results, but I'm just too excited to hold off any longer. I will probably be getting woth you soon to maybe add some S4 to it. Should be a pretty cool log and give some insight into alot of the speculation around now
Dude I am excited as shit about doing this log. I told Silk that I am definitely doing it. She can work things out when she fully commits. I'm sure 99% of the people in here would be much more interested in her results, but I'm just too excited to hold off any longer. I will probably be getting woth you soon to maybe add some S4 to it. Should be a pretty cool log and give some insight into alot of the speculation around now

With the half life of s4 how are you going to dose it?
With the half life of s4 how are you going to dose it?

Ah I see you've been doing some reading! I was thinking of 3x daily dosing. I'm going to have to get back on a calender with shots, but I was thinking I would dose S4 in the morning, noon, and before bed. LGD and IGF will be 45 pre training. On non training days I will dose the LGD and IGF 3 hours after the noon S4 dose. I will be taking the S4 and LGD with grapefruit juice. Basically I'm going to drop it under my tongue and hold for 30 seconds.. then I'll wash it down with 4 oz of grapefruit juice.
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Ah I see you've been doing some reading! I was thinking of 3x daily dosing. I'm going to have to get back on a calender with shots, but I was thinking I would dose S4 in the morning, noon, and before bed. LGD and IGF will be 45 pre training. On non training days I will dose the LGD and IGF 3 hours after the noon S4 dose. I will be taking the S4 and LGD with grapefruit juice. Basically I'm going to drop it under my tongue and hold for 30 seconds.. then I'll wash it down with 4 oz of grapefruit juice.

Hellofa plan, brutha
andarine and ligandrol dosages, and cycle informaton for anyone new to sarm