Giving Advice on Cycles


New member
To be clear, it doesn't take rocket science to know I dabble in AAS. I always get asked what to take, blah blah blah from childhood friends of mine, especially when summer is right around the corner because this is when they want to "get on cycle". Of course I get the 'Can you get me this and can you get me that?' questions and I don't mind helping out my buddies from time to time..... as I'm sure many of you do. HOWEVER, lets say you do help out a friend and he says, get me a bottle of test and a bottle of deca...... do you try and educate them as to what to run, how much to run, how to come off, etc..... I always do my very best to help out, and give advice, but when they come back to you and say, just get me 100 dbol..... or something that's just 1 bottle of test and 1 bottle of deca..... etc.... do you oblige and "help" your friends out? I will give you my recommendation and thoughts on what your cycle should look like. If you don't want it and get what you think you need, then I'm done helping. I won't be responsible for your lack of gains.

Just a random question as this happened to me recently. A friend wanted 1 bottle of test and 1 bottle of masteron ....... and he's about 20%BF 6'2 250........SMH!!!
Vent is over.
Hey why not one bottle of deca bro? Ya know I read on T-nation if I just put a small hole in a condom and put the whole bottle of deca in it and put it in my but it's a slow release and more anabolic and doesn't convert to estrogen ya know cuz it's so close to your testicles it doesn't have time to convert bro so it just like running 12 weeks without the needles or nuthin cuz ya know I wanna run GEAR bro but I don't like needles bro plus my bro competes and he's huge and he did it bro
Hey why not one bottle of deca bro? Ya know I read on T-nation if I just put a small hole in a condom and put the whole bottle of deca in it and put it in my but it's a slow release and more anabolic and doesn't convert to estrogen ya know cuz it's so close to your testicles it doesn't have time to convert bro so it just like running 12 weeks without the needles or nuthin cuz ya know I wanna run GEAR bro but I don't like needles bro plus my bro competes and he's huge and he did it bro
Hahahaha ha classic