Anyone have kidney problems? From gear


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So i dont have high bp . Because the doc said my lower number never gets high, always stays in low 70s
Next up if i dont stay hydrated through the whole day and watch my salt . I get these weird raise in bp but only the top number . I start to panic and think have a heart attack. Doc said i might have a tumor on my kideny . I cant hold water, i piss 10mins after i drink anything and its always clear. Really weird
The doc offered conjecture re tumor, and no test? What's up with that?
fwiw I'd get some milk thistle, take it for two weeks and see if anything changes.
i have huge kidney stone that needs removing but i haven't done it yet cause doctor said it would be painful and multiple surgeries to remove it, and it was from ECA stacks, gauffinesan in particular left huge rock deposits in my fucking left kidney
IDK honestly, i just know its very painful throbbing unless i am very conscious of my hydration! i have to drink a shit ton of water, and doctor said Orange Juice will help it from getting bigger, so i drink a shit load of that too

but i dnt know that I've noticed salt bothering me specifically
No abdominal pain? Is you stomach distended? Bro I wish i could offer some insight. It sounds like a tumor is a leap at this point. No insurance is brutal. Keep us updated.
So i dont have high bp . Because the doc said my lower number never gets high, always stays in low 70s
Next up if i dont stay hydrated through the whole day and watch my salt . I get these weird raise in bp but only the top number . I start to panic and think have a heart attack. Doc said i might have a tumor on my kideny . I cant hold water, i piss 10mins after i drink anything and its always clear. Really weird

I'm confused you start by talking about the BP what was your reading? What lead your doctor to believe it's a kidney issue. Have you had changes with urination? Dark, foamy, more, less, do you have lower or mid back pain. Have you had a urinary tract infection recently?
Dang man, I agree with everyone, guessing you have a tumor, based on no evidence is borderline irresponsible from a doctor.

Some bloodwork (Creatinine and BUN levels will help determine if your kidney is in trouble) and especially an imaging procedure (such as an ultrasound) would answer your questions.

My mom had to remove her left kidney and spleen due to a huge benign cyst so I'm incredibly mindful of my kidney values and water intake.

Anyway you can get some bloodwork (you don't need a doctor for that) or maybe get a referral to get an ultrasound?
I'm confused you start by talking about the BP what was your reading? What lead your doctor to believe it's a kidney issue. Have you had changes with urination? Dark, foamy, more, less, do you have lower or mid back pain. Have you had a urinary tract infection recently?

the adrenal gland sits on top of the kidney, and salt can set it off, is what i was told. i did a full work up at the ER in july, but they might of missed something on the kidney