
MuscleChemistry Registered Member
[h=2]WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:[/h]What is an intramuscular injection?

An intramuscular (IM) injection is a shot of medicine given into a muscle. Certain medicines need to be given into the muscle for them to work correctly.
[h=2]What should I know about the syringe?[/h]There are 3 parts to a syringe: the needle, the barrel, and the plunger. The needle goes into your muscle. The barrel holds the medicine and has markings on it like a ruler. The markings are in milliliters (mL). The plunger is used to get medicine into and out of the syringe.
[h=2]Where can I give an intramuscular injection?[/h]The following are safe areas to give an IM injection:

  • Vastus Lateralis Muscle (Thigh): Look at your thigh and divide it into 3 equal parts. The middle third is where the injection will go. The thigh is a good place to give yourself an injection because it is easy to see. It is also a good spot for children younger than 3 years old.
  • Ventrogluteal Muscle (Hip): Have the person getting the injection lie on his or her side. To find the correct location, place the heel of your hand on the upper, outer part of the thigh where it meets the buttocks. Point your thumb at the groin and your fingers toward the person's head. Form a V with your fingers by separating your first finger from the other 3 fingers. You will feel the edge of a bone along the tips of your little and ring fingers. The place to give the injection is in the middle of the V. The hip is a good place for an injection for adults and children older than 7 months.
  • Deltoid Muscle (Upper arm muscle): Completely expose the upper arm. You will give the injection in the center of an upside down triangle. Feel for the bone that goes across the top of the upper arm. This bone is called the acromion process. The bottom of it will form the base of the triangle. The point of the triangle is directly below the middle of the base at about the level of the armpit. The correct area to give an injection is in the center of the triangle, 1 to 2 inches below the acromion process. This site should not be used if the person is very thin or the muscle is very small.

  • Dorsogluteal Muscle (buttocks): Expose one side of the buttocks. With an alcohol wipe draw a line from the top of the crack between the buttocks to the side of the body. Find the middle of that line and go up 3 inches. From that point, draw another line down and across the first line, ending about halfway down the buttock. You should have drawn a cross. In the upper outer square you will feel a curved bone. The injection will go in the upper outer square below the curved bone. Do not use this site for infants or children younger than 3 years old. Their muscles are not developed enough.

How do I choose the best place for an intramuscular injection?

  • Keep track of where the injections are given: Make a list of the sites you use. Write down the date, time, and the site each time you give an injection.
  • Change sites for the injections: It is important to use a different site each time you give an injection. This helps prevent scars and skin changes. The sites where injections are given should be at least 1 inch away from each other. Ask your caregiver if you need to inject the medicine in a certain site.
[h=2]What items do I need to give an injection?[/h]
  • One alcohol wipe
  • One sterile 2 x 2 gauze pad
  • A new needle and syringe that are the correct size
  • Disposable gloves, if you have them
[h=2]How do I give an intramuscular injection?[/h]Wash your hands with soap and dry them completely. Put on gloves if necessary.

  • Open the alcohol wipe: Wipe the area where you plan to give the injection. Let the area dry. Do not touch this area until you give the injection.
  • Prepare the needle: Hold the syringe with your writing hand and pull the cover off with your other hand. Place the syringe between your thumb and first finger. Let the barrel of the syringe rest on your second finger.
  • Hold the skin around where you will give the injection: With your free hand, gently press on and pull the skin so that it is slightly tight.
  • Insert the needle into the muscle: Hold the syringe barrel tightly and use your wrist to inject the needle through the skin and into the muscle at a 90 degree angle.
  • Check the needle: Let go of the skin with your other hand. Hold the syringe so it stays pointed straight in. Pull back on the plunger a little to make sure you did not hit a blood vessel. If blood comes back, remove the needle immediately. Do not inject the medicine. Dispose of both the syringe and the medicine. Get more medicine in a new syringe. When you give the second injection, give it on the other side.
  • Inject the medicine: Push down on the plunger to inject the medicine. Do not force the medicine by pushing hard. Some medicines hurt. You can inject the medicine slowly to reduce the pain.
  • Remove the needle: Once the medicine is injected, remove the needle at the same angle as it went in. Place gauze over the area where you gave the injection.
[h=2]How do I get rid of used syringes and needles?[/h]It is important to dispose of your needles and syringes correctly. Do not throw needles into the trash. You may receive a hard plastic container made especially for used syringes and needles. You can also use a soda bottle or other plastic bottle with a screw lid. Make sure that both the syringe and needle fit into the container easily and cannot break through the sides. Ask your caregiver or a pharmacist what your state or local requirements are for getting rid of used syringes and needles.
[h=2]What are the risks of an intramuscular injection?[/h]An intramuscular injection could cause an infection, bleeding, numbness, or pain.
[h=2]When should I contact a caregiver?[/h]Contact a caregiver if:

  • A fever, sneezing, or coughing develops after the injection.
  • There is a lump, swelling, or bruising where the injection was given that does not go away.
  • You have questions about how to give an injection.
[h=2]When should I seek immediate care?[/h]Seek care immediately or call 911 if:

  • A rash or itching develops after the injection is given.
  • Shortness of breath develops after the injection is given.
  • The mouth, lips, or face swells after the injection is given.
<header>[h=1]How to Give an IM Injection: Identifying Intramuscular Injection Sites (with Infographics)[/h]</header>

Weight loss and vitamin injections are effective ways for your body to receive instant nutrition and supplementation. Getting the best weight loss and body sculpting results with the help of various weight loss shots is often enough of a motivation to overcome any needle aversions. Learning where the best injection site is, how to prepare equipment, and how to administer the injections yourself can be an empowering experience versus an overwhelming one.
Please note: I am not a medical professional and the information here is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Please ensure you consult a doctor before commencing any new treatment.
[h=2]What is an Intramuscular Injection?[/h]An intramuscular (IM) injection is a type of shot that delivers medication straight into your vascular muscles. In terms of weight loss injections, delivery via intramuscular injection is recommended for the following substances:

Some medications and supplements can only be given as an IM injection to be able to work correctly. This is because when certain medications, vitamins, and hormones are taken any other way, they can face obstacles such as travel time that allows for acid degeneration, enzyme breakdown, and the potency being diminished. This can all affect maximum results from being achieved. Advantages of intramuscular injections are:

  • they allow medication to take fast effect
  • they deliver medication directly to muscle tissue
  • they allow for a direct form of treatment versus sublingual, digestive and skin absorption
Muscle tissue is an ideal location to administer certain medication, even over subcutaneous (area just under the first layer of skin) injections. This is because it has a better capacity of absorbing medication and it has a greater blood supply. Intravenous injections should only be done by a trained medical professional since they must locate a suitable vein as well as be sure that the medication is safe to be taken intravenously. For theses reasons, IM injections are the preferred method for many using weight loss injections.

[h=2]IM Injection Sites[/h]There are four main intramuscular injection sites on the body. They’re considered safe and effective sites to administer an IM injection. These four areas include:
✓ Thigh: Vastus Lateralis Muscle – Although the absorption rate of the medication is typically slower than when taking an IM shot in the upper arm, it’s the best location for an IM shot if you have to administer it by yourself.
✓ Hip: Ventrogluteal Muscle – This is a good place to receive IM injections since it’s less fatty than the buttocks which improves the absorption rate of the medication. It’s considered a very safe location when correct injection procedures are followed.
✓ Upper Arm: Deltoid Muscle – This is the most common site of injections for many vaccines. You’ll want to consider the volume of medication you’re inserting since this site can only hold a limited volume at a time. It’s recommended to not go over 1 mL in adults.
✓ Buttocks: Dorsogluteal Muscles – This is a site that is commonly used and widely accepted. Although this area is not too close to any major nerves or blood vessels, caution is advised since sciatic nerve damage is possible.
[h=3]Choosing a Site to Give Yourself an IM Injection[/h]When trying to decide which site is best to give yourself an IM injection, you need to consider the ease to which you can administer the injection and the volume you’re going to insert. You’ll need to think about the following factors:

  • Are you applying the IM injection alone?
  • Do you have someone available to apply the IM injection?
  • What is the volume you’re using?
The best site to insert an IM injection if you’re alone is in the thigh since it’s very easy to access and see, and it can also handle a larger needle than the arm. With careful administration and maneuvering, you can apply an IM injection yourself into the hip and buttocks.
If you’re inserting a large volume of medication, consider the hip area for an IM injection since there is a higher limit on the maximum volume of medication. The maximum limit for the buttocks and thigh muscles is 4 mL, whereas the upper arm is 1 mL. A tip for if the volume is too large for the particular injection site is to split the dosage into smaller volumes and inject at different locations. This should not be necessary in the case of weight loss injections since they are typically recommended in 1mL doses.
It’s also recommended to switch up the injection location to prevent any skin irritation and scarring. Whether or not you’re changing location sites, it’s best to try to give the shots a one inch radius of each injection. You’ll also want to keep a log of where you last administered an IM injection as well as the date and time. Keeping track can help to prevent any skin irritation and any complications that arise with incorrect application.

Landmarks for Intramuscular Injections
<figure id="attachment_1431"></figure>Thigh: Divide the thigh area into three equal parts. The middle third area between the upper thigh and the knee is the injection site. Lift this muscle away from the bone to prepare for a thigh intramuscular injection.
Upper Arm: At the top of the arm are bones that form an upside down triangle. The point of the triangle is the axillary line and the base line is the acromion line. Inject needle in the center of this triangle which is one to two inches below the acromion line.
Hip: Lie down on your side to expose hip that will receive the injection. Place hand where the buttocks meet the top of the thigh. Position hand so that the thumb faces the groin and the fingers face up towards your head. Separate index finger from remaining fingers to form a V shape. Inject in the center of this V.
Buttocks: Divide one buttock (cheek) into four equal sections. The upper and outer section is where you’ll want to administer the IM injection.
[h=2]Choosing an IM Injection Needle – Gauge and Length[/h]The first part to learning about the syringe, is that it has three main components to it:

  • Needle: the component that pierces the skin and inserts into the muscle (gauge and length will be discussed)
  • Barrel: the chamber that holds and measures the medication
  • Plunger: the component that controls administration of medication
<figure id="attachment_1434">
</figcaption></figure>The needle needs to be long enough to be able to appropriately penetrate the muscle. The two components of the needle is the gauge and the length. The IM injection needle gauge refers to the diameter of the needle; the larger the gauge number, the smaller the diameter will be. The typical gauge that’s used for an IM injection is about 22 to 25 gauge.
The length is measured in inches and is typically dependent upon the size of the adult. However, a standard measurement of about 1 to 1 1/2 inches is typically appropriate. Ensuring the gauge and length of the needle is appropriate for each injection site will help to prevent any pain associated with incorrect application and tissue damage or irritation.
The medication or supplement you receive will in most cases come with the appropriate needles. If in doubt, this is a matter to discuss with your health care provider to ensure that correct needle gauge and length is used.

Preparing the Injection Dose
When preparing the injection dose there are a few basic instructions that should always be followed. These are:
✓ Wash and dry hands before handling the injection supplies
✓ Don’t use a syringe that has been previously opened, used or damaged
✓ Always use the exact dose that you have been prescribed
✓ Don’t allow the needle to touch anything other than the medicine vial
✓ Seek professional advice if you are unsure about any step
Below is the general procedure for preparing the injection dose. Some medicines will require reconstitution prior to use so always follow the instructions provided by the pharmacy and/or your medical professional.
These steps to preparing the injection dose are intended as a guideline only:
» 1. Remove the cap from the medicine vial and clean the rubber stopper with an alcohol swab.
» 2. Check the package containing the syringe. If open or damaged, discard and choose another.
» 3. Remove the cover from the syringe and hold as you would a pen.
» 4. Pull back on the plunger to draw air into the syringe (to the same volume as the dose of liquid you will be using).
» 5. With the vial on a flat surface, insert the needle in the rubber center and push the plunger to expel the air into the vial.
» 6. With the needle still in the vial, turn it upside-down. Ensure the needle tip remains covered by the liquid in the vial.
» 7. While holding the vial upside-down, pull back on the plunger to draw the liquid into the syringe ensuring you draw the correct dose.
» 8. Check for air bubbles by tapping the side of the syringe. Depress the plunger slightly to expel any air.
» 9. Double check you have the right dose of liquid in the syringe then remove the needle from the vial.

» 10. Do not lay the needle down or let it touch anything before proceeding to the injection process.
[h=3]Steps to Preparing the Injection Dose (Infographic)[/h]

Intramuscular Injection Procedure
There are a some standard rules to follow on how to give an IM injection despite the location of the injection site. These are:
✓ Always wash hands with soap and dry thoroughly
✓ Always prepare the needle and injection dose appropriately
✓ Always clean the injection site with an alcohol swab or similar
✓ Always ensure the intramuscular injection angle is at a 90 degree angle
✓ If blood appears: remove and dispose of the needle, prepare and apply new shot
✓ Inject, not push, the needle and medication slowly
You can follow these general procedure instructions to administer an IM injection:
» 1. Choose your injection site using the IM landmarks.
» 2. Wash your hands and clean the chosen injection site with an alcohol swab.
» 3. Prepare the needle and injection dose as per instructions
» 4. Spread skin taut to reveal the muscle and insert the needle at a 90 degree angle.
» 5. Without withdrawing the needle, slowly and slightly draw it back to ensure you haven’t pierced a blood vessel. If blood is visible discard the needle and begin again in a new location with a fresh needle. If no blood is visible continue to step 6.
» 6. Continue to inject medication slowly until it’s all administered.
» 7. Quickly withdraw needle and discard appropriately.
» 8. Apply pressure to the injection site for a short period of time with gauze or cotton ball.

How to Administer an Intramuscular Injection (Infographic)

[h=2]Disposal of Needles and Syringes[/h]Needles and syringes should not be thrown in the general trash and are not recyclable. They are subject to state laws regarding proper disposal. You can request from your doctor’s office or purchase a container to properly dispose of your needles. If you must, you can use any hard container or a plastic bottle with a secure lid to discard your used needles and syringes. You will need to check with your state’s laws on disposal.
[h=2]Risks of IM Injections[/h]It’s always advised to check with your healthcare provider prior to taking any medication to rule out any underlying conditions that may interfere with your IM shots. There are risks to consider when receiving IM injections:

  • infection at site of injection
  • skin irritation at site of injection
  • tingling and/or numbness
  • allergy reactions
  • bleeding
  • nerve or blood vessel damage
  • pain at site of injection
If any of these side effects occur, be sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately. If you experience difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, mouth or face you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to the substance you have taken and you should call emergency services immediately.
Knowing the details of how to properly administer an IM injection can make all the difference in your weight loss goals. You can empower yourself with being able to give your body what it needs to stimulate fat burning and melt off the pounds.
Consult a doctor before commencing treatment.