Updated Pics


New member
He is my pics as of Aug. 6th. 2006 weighing in @ 205. 3 weeks til bulk season...Will be training really hard to get up to 280 offseason weight and try to come in hard @ atlantic states next summer weighing in @ around 235




Lookin pretty good bro! Do you think it would be wise to get bf down by few points naturally before you bulk with gear? Or does that come with the cycle? Just currious...
BTW, I checked out your site and looks really good. "Mike's" pics look REALLY good!
I am gonna hit the cardio for 1 hour a day until september 1st. should get me a little leaner before the weight comes on.
Wow- a very ambitious schedule. 280? Good luck and eat like hell!!!
How long are you allowing for your bulk? How long will you be allowing for precontest?
One more thing- practice your posing. You are closing yourself up where you can't really see the progress you have made. Make the poses big- think big, breath big when hitting your poses.
Good luck.
Thanks for the input MMX2. I am bulking from september til january and cutting from January til June-july
Just be careful on the bulk. The more fat you put on, the more you got to take off when it comes contest time.
i hear that dreww that's why I am going for cutting from january til june. Comes out to 20 weeks of cutting. I am also gonna do atleast 20minutes of cardio every workout just to keep the fat alittle lower. Any input is appreciated