MC IGF, My Dick & My Body


Have any of you experienced a low sex drive on IGF?

I have been taking 40mcgs of igf a day, applied in the morning before going to the gym. I also use 2 scoops of Jack3d in the morning before the gym. I recently started dating someone new and have literally no sex drive... she wants to F all the time, but I have no desire and when I force myself to do it....rarely will it stay up the entire time.. I have been off all AAS for about a year.. the decrease in my drive is really recent as well as my daily IGF use

Just curious if this is a side effect of IGF, a bad combo of IGF and Jack3d??

another thing, I apply IGF everyday alternating on either tricep or shoulder just above my tricep. recently I have experienced extreme numbness on my right side....can barely feel a thing on that upper arm...just curious if any of you experienced the same thing or will my arm mysteriously fall off soon?

I've never had that kind of problem with IGF and I usually use it with a NO product also. Check out the recent articles on Aqua-alis. I'm thinking of trying it myself just for fun.
I think we have had this question before- IMHO, I do not think the events are connected.
What else is in your mix?
I currently rotate application to triceps and have not had issues there either...
maybe your just not into her. jk, I also have a low drive when not running trt . Any kind of extra stress can cause low labido also. Usually in a new relationship sex drive is higher than normal its primal chemical reaction . I get lathargic on igf which in turn caused low labido.
I get lathargic on igf which in turn caused low labido.

I took some OTC herbal enhancers that worked extremely well, but gave me serious heartburn..

I think your right though, time to lay off a while and get my groove "back" on :)
Never had that problem with igf.. If anything it makes me horny as a mother fucker...