MC IGF1 round 3 precycle Summer cut cycle with Ostarine


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So I still have IGF1 3 vials and just order 30g to apply it :) I gained some fat stress and poor eating I went from 14% to c. 18% I need to get toned...
Before I start my cycle (which is long overdue) I'm going to use MC IGF1 Ostarine albuterol and t3. My T3/albuterol wont be here for a while Osta should be here by Friday. 30g should be here this week so I'll start ASAP.

Osta 30mg T3 25mcg pyramid to 50mcg (only with ostr1ne) IGF1 50-100mcg ED til gone (3000mcg on hand) albuterol 4mg 2-3x ED

Meanwhile I'm 5'5 179 18% 27yo.
Diet wise geeze I'm unsure what to do but for this week low carb about 1.5g/LBM high protein medium fat next week I'd like to do Keto, briefly around 2 weeks as LBM is important an I wanna keep as much as possible.

Workout is 4x a week Chest/Tri.. Back/Bis ...Legs/Calves... Shoulders... Chest/Tri cardio 20min 4x EW HIIT increasing duration every two weeks (Max 60 mins 5x EW.)

Any criticism is welcome if helpful :)
Started just IGF1 still waiting on t3/alb I have osta but I plan to use it w. t3. The IGF1 worked 1st day :) Now a week in my buddy said "WTF have u been doing?" My arms especially grew I swear 1/2 inch. I am training harder n more often but still. I started melatonin b4 bed... I legitimately never felt the numbing from IGF1 even at 200mcg ED (currently at 60mcg) but I think melatonin is doing something w. the IGF1 bc I have GH numbness having used blue tops it feels like 4IUs. Either it's GH numbness or I need to see a doc about nerves. My training partner plans to get IGF1 now LMAO he said "Dude I'm sold where can I buy it." I have 2 vials after this then I think if my bf is at 14% by the end and I bet it is. I'm starting very late test/master maybe var if cloud reorders bc he LMAO broke some tren and wants to get more.
Added Dbol/NPP/Test/masteron (I think LMAO) Cloud's source didnt label the oils it could be tren test prop IDK LMAO guess I'll see. IGF1 w. Osta is ample gain n toning properties... So far w. aas I'm seeing even greater results 10 days in but the dbol at 40mg is def legit! I should have pics I'l keep y'all posted.
customer review i am bumping to the top, his 3rd go around with our IGF-1 lr3

We are the most reviewed anywhere on this specific item hands down!

I am bumping this review to the top for all to read during our Spring Sale

Store address is MuscleChemistry, Advanced Supplements