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<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; text-align: center; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 20px;">[h=1]S4 Andarine: Benefits, Side Effects and How to Use It[/h]

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  • Introduction to Andarine
  • About Andarine (S4)
  • How does it work?
  • Benefits of using it
  • Any strange effects we need to know about?
  • Side effects
  • Can we stack it ? YES!
  • Dosage
  • Safe, effective and proven to work, Andarine is a potent choice
    • Related Posts
INTRODUCTION TO ANDARINE[/h]When it comes to SARMs, one thing is on everyone’s mind: which SARM is the best one?
Well, we cannot give you a clear answer to this question. After all, some SARMs are especially great for bulking, for example, while others are famous for their fat loss effects.
Still, in this article, we’ll tackle the subject of one of the most famous SARMs out there — Andarine. Here, you will find all the information you need to make a well-informed choice when choosing your next supplement.
[h=2]ABOUT ANDARINE (S4)[/h]Among the many products currently on the market, we’d say that it is one of the most widely used ones. However, its history shows that it wasn’t actually created for exercise enthusiasts around the globe. In fact, when Kaken Pharmaceuticals first developed it, the main goal was to treat those who have osteoporosis.
Still, further testing showed that it could grace us with many other benefits as well. Andarine is well known for its anti-muscle wasting trait. Furthermore, it can also help people get stronger, leaner and fitter in a matter of weeks.
Of course, most SARMs are frowned upon in professional bodybuilding communities. But we cannot help but appreciate all the features they have and how they can help us achieve the body of our dreams. Thus, Andarine is still used by many who want to build up their endurance, protect their bones and avoid injuries commonly associated with vigorous workout routines. Moreover, since the side effects are minimal and nothing like what we can experience when taking steroids, this selective androgen receptor modulator is an excellent choice for anyone looking to up their game at the gym.
[COLOR=#146DB1 !important]Andarine (S4)​


  • Helps grow bigger muscles
  • Helps to combat osteoporosis
  • Increases bone strength
  • Burns fat
  • Helps in muscle recovery
  • No negative side effects

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[h=2]HOW DOES IT WORK?[/h]When it comes to SARMs, one needs to understand that everyone has an androgen receptor in their bodies. This receptor is the one that actually makes or breaks our workout routine. When influenced by certain chemicals, it can help us work out longer than usual.
However, it can interact with three types of chemicals: AR antagonists, agonists, and modulators. Andarine is an AR modulator, which works differently to the antagonists and agonists. Instead of blocking the receptor (antagonist) or bonding, detaching and reattaching to it (agonist), a modulator actually changes the structure of the AR.
Those changes can come in various forms. Still, they usually change the potency of testosterone and other AR chemicals by boosting them.

[h=2]BENEFITS OF USING IT[/h]Now, we know that everyone has been waiting for this part — the benefits of using Andarine.
There are quite a few of these, and usually, no side effects follow them. However, we will later talk about some of the minor consequences of taking Andarine entails.
First, let’s start with the fact that Andarine is great for cutting. Indeed, when used, Andarine increases fat oxidation but decreases lipoprotein lipase. Thus, Andarine can help us achieve that hard look we want our muscles to have. But we won’t feel bloated or horrible about ourselves!
Since it has anabolic and androgenic effects, we won’t lose our lean muscle mass, which can often happen while cutting. Moreover, Andarine also has nutrient partitioning effects, and it’s especially effective if we want to recompose our bodies. However, we should note here that it’s not as strong as some steroids. So for best recomposition results, we ought to combine it with other products, like Cardarine and Ostarine.
[h=2]ANY STRANGE EFFECTS WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT?[/h]One of the most important things about choosing a supplement is finding out whether it will have an undesirable effect on our sexual organs or our masculine/feminine features. Luckily, we don’t have to worry about that when it comes to Andarine.
The effect it has on the growth of our sexual organs is very minimal. Also, it doesn’t affect the breast size in women, nor does it lead to gynecomastia. There haven’t been any reports about liver damage either, which is a common occurrence when using steroids.
It won’t affect the way we look in terms of females growing a beard. In fact, if any women out there are considering using these products, Andarine is a good choice, as it’s very female-friendly.
Finally, one of the best things about Andarine is that it won’t enlarge our inner organs, such as our hearts, and it doesn’t lead to hepatitis and hepatotoxicity.
[h=2]SIDE EFFECTS[/h]We’ve already mentioned that there are certain minor side effects to using Andarine. In order to understand who can use it and how we’ll try to explain what they are.
It’s important to note that, unlike steroids, these substances cannot actually lead to hair loss, acne and other more serious consequences that anabolic injectables can produce. Their nature is not harmful, as they are quite selective about the effects they have on our bodies.
Still, Andarine does have some side effects all users should be aware of. For example, out of all the SARMs out there, it is best known as the one that can cause some vision issues. The S-4 molecule found in it can actually bind to the retina in our eye. This may lead to us seeing a yellow tinge.
This yellow “spot,” as we may call it, can lead to bad nighttime vision. However, users do say that a smaller dose shouldn’t lead to this problem. Moreover, as soon as we finish taking Andrine, our vision goes back to normal.
[h=2]CAN WE STACK IT ? YES![/h]One of the best things about SARMs is that, although they are quite potent when used individually, they are especially effective when stacked.
For those who want to bulk up, a great idea is to stack 50 mg of Andarine with 10 mg of Testolone (RAD140). While taking this combination, we should also increase our caloric intake. The results will be evident after eight to twelve weeks.
[h=2]DOSAGE[/h]As with any other supplement out there, using something artificial to help us work out means that we need to take great care when it comes to dosage. Thus, men should take only 50 mg of Andarine every day. Moreover, they should only use it for about eight to twelve weeks. Women, on the other hand, should take only 25 mg of Andarine
What’s certain about both genders is that they should take Andarine in two dosages during the day. Andarine’s half-life is about four to six hours, so in order to get the best effect, one would need to take one dosage in the morning and another one later in the day.
Still, the best news of all is that Andarine is not a stimulant. So if we love working out at night, we can safely take it before bedtime, as it won’t lead to insomnia.
[h=2]SAFE, EFFECTIVE AND PROVEN TO WORK, ANDARINE IS A POTENT CHOICE[/h]Though anabolics are still the preferred supplements for most bodybuilders, it’s essential to remind everyone about how unhealthy they are. Moreover, today, there’s no need to take these harmful substances when we can all just take Andarine and protect, as well as maintain our physique the right way. Andarine is a great product to prevent muscle wasting, increase strength and build up lean muscle mass.
Andarine is exactly the kind of SARM that will help us shed some pounds, increase lean muscle mass, bulk up or change our bodies completely. All we have to remember is that we need to take the right dosage so that we don’t experience any side effects. After all, staying healthy, even when using safe compounds like SARMs, is of the essence!
[COLOR=#146DB1 !important]Andarine (S4)​


  • Helps grow bigger muscles
  • Helps to combat osteoporosis
  • Increases bone strength
  • Burns fat
  • Helps in muscle recovery
  • No negative side effects
