
  1. F

    Muscle chemistry Rad-140

    So I picked up some Rad-140 from mc store and ran it for a good 5 weeks and wow! This Stuff is no joke! Definitely something to try with a cycle or run it by itself, I’m very impressed 30mins pre workout, pumps are amazing and gained a good amount of muscle
  2. F

    Mc igf 100mcgs pre workout

    So I trained quads tonight 60 carbs 30mins pre gym time and 50/50 mcgs in each quads , and my 200mgs hrt wk , I can get over how well this stuff works and how fast ! Pump’s are painful! Lol
  3. 9

    30mins, 20 Glory Knockouts

    <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QpITR1lSvok" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> :D