
  1. drtbear1967

    Deer Antler Velvet- Yeah or nay?

    Deer antler velvet has long been purported as a potential anabolic supplement due to either IGF-1 or testosterone interactions. While these interactions have not been confirmed, some studies do show strength improvements in subjects taking deer antler velvet. Results are not conclusive, so try...
  2. drtbear1967

    Swear to increase strength?

    by Jake Tuura We know that swearing increases pain tolerance. That has even been backed up by research. Now new research shows it can also increase strength and power. . The Studies: Repeating a swear word was compared to repeating a neutral word during two different experiments. In the first...
  3. Iron Game

    Why Leaving Rowing Out of Your Workout is a Big Mistake

    In terms of training value for time spent, there is little that comes close to rowing. It is cardio, it is anaerobic, and it is strengthening. By building rowing in to your CrossFit workout instead of running, you will be increasing the intensity and effectiveness of your training session...