
  1. drtbear1967

    Tips for Triceps

    First, we want to make sure you train the triceps with full range of motion. The main function of your triceps is elbow extension. So let's train this movement pattern effectively by properly stretching and contracting your triceps on exercises like straight-bar pushdowns. This also applies to...
  2. drtbear1967

    Don't try to be anyone else!!

    Many people have goal physiques and seek to obtain a level of leanness or muscular development of someone else. There's not much wrong with this, as long as you take into account that how your muscles exactly look when they grow for a large part depends on genetic factors. - For example, where...
  3. jimbosmith316

    'Intimacy coach' who lifts objects as big as surfboards with her vagina

    Wonder if she needs a spotter? <iframe allowfullscreen frameborder="0" width="698" height="573" scrolling="no" id="molvideoplayer" title="MailOnline Embed Player" src=""></iframe> Kim uses a jade egg and attaches weights or objects to it...