
  1. Iron Game

    Projecting Your Insecurities

    by Geoff Roberts The concept of out of shape “normal” individuals giving fit, in shape people a hard time about their lifestyle is nothing new. Any person who takes care of him or herself on a daily basis via going to the gym consistently and choosing to include or exclude certain food choices...
  2. Iron Game

    Basic Planning for Anabolic Steroid Cycle

    By Bill Roberts Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen situations Overly-prolonged use of alkylated...
  3. Iron Game

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen...
  4. akn

    Basic Considerations During Anabolic Steroid Cycle Planning

    Q: “What are the most basic things to avoid in anabolic steroid cycle planning?” A: As a quick summary, avoid: Creating situations likely to lead to poor recovery of natural testosterone production Uncontrolled high-estrogen situations Overly-prolonged use of alkylated steroids, and...