
  1. Musclebeauty

    How Many Calories in a Pound?

    Weight*management always comes down to how many calories you eat versus how many you burn. Fad diets all promise removing every carbohydrate you avoid and replacing it with a grapefruit means you just torch fat away. It's simply not right. For a long time, we assumed 3,500 calories makes up a...
  2. Presser

    How to Determine Your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR Formula for Men and Women.

    What is BMR and How Can I Find My BMR Number? The Number of Calories You Burn Daily While at Rest is Known As Your "BMR" or Basal Metabolic Rate This is the bare minimum required amount of calories you need to perform your daily duties, brush your teeth, drive to work, walk upstairs to office...