
  1. Presser

    New A.I. Chat Assistant. "Dorian A.I."

    We will be testing out a new A.I. Chat Assistant starting today. It is still under developement, and as of right now it has the full capabilities of open ai chat gpt-4 model! The goal is to have a chat assistant in each forum that can answer any question from its knowledge base of that given...
  2. Presser

    New A.I. Chat Assistant. "Dorian A.I."

    We will be testing out a new A.I. Chat Assistant starting today. It is still under developement, and as of right now it has the full capabilities of open ai chat gpt-4 model! The goal is to have a chat assistant in each forum that can answer any question from its knowledge base of that given...

    Welcome to follow our telegram channel!

    For customers who prefer 24-hour online chat, you could follow our Telegram channel below. As a professional steroid powder manufacturer and peptide supplier, AASraw will share the latest laboratory reports, new arrivals, new products, and other latest news from time to time. Welcome to follow...
  4. Steroidify Rep

    🏡 Special Flash Sale From Local Warehouses (no customs) - 35% OFF 🚚

    You asked and here it is. Our celebrated PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK sale from local warehouses. Pivotal's Sustanon: Sustanon 250 Beligas' NPP: Pheno-NPP Odin's Test Acetate: Testosterone A 100 More exclusive offers on our private chat. Just visit link below and learn more: Telegram Channel
  5. Steroidify Rep

    💥💥 Flash Sale - Test Mix, Dbol and Parabolan For Half 💥💥

    Flash promo for the next 36 hours... Grab them now or you'll miss this amazing deal. Ultima-Mix 250 Ultima-Mix 250 Bioteq's Dbol Dianabol 10 Hilma's Parabolan Parabolan For more amazing deals like these and other exclusive promos, simply join our private chat: Steroidify's Private Chat
  6. Steroidify Rep

    Test, Winny, Tren, NPP, Dbol - Which 3 products you wanna have a 50% discount?

    We have great offerings this week and you can participate by voting and choosing which products will be priced in half. To do that, simply join our private chat thru the link below: Telegram Channel
  7. Steroidify Rep

    Pharmacom's Tren E. and Deca plus Bayer's Primo for half-price - Only Today

    Can't miss this flash sale... PharmaTren E 200 PharmaNan D 300 Rimobolan Depot Great opportunity to try the legendary pharmacy grade primo. For...
  8. Steroidify Rep

    The Election is Not Over - Click Here to Vote

    This week you can vote on a test prop product, an NPP product and an Aromasin product for a 50% discount. That's right, 3 products for half the price and you get to choose brands. Simply join our chat and vote now. Telegram: Contact @steroidify
  9. Steroidify Rep

    Isotretinoin, Proviron and Tren Ace for half price

    We'll be offering one product of each category for half price this week. Iso will be from Roche or Cipla (both pharmacy grade). Prov will be from BioTeq, PharmaQo or Deus (all premium brands). Tren will be from Ultima, BioTeq or 7Lab. Simply join our private chat to vote and to learn when...
  10. Steroidify Rep

    👍 Pay only 50% for the next 48 hours

    Act now and pay only half Bioteq's Boldenone: PharmaQo's Winstrol: Alpha's Test Prop: For promos like these, join our private chat.
  11. Steroidify Rep

    ⚡️ Flash sale - 50% OFF

    Next 24 hours only: Alpha's Aromasin: Alpha's Turinabol: PharmaQo's Anavar: This is just a glimpse of the promos you'll find on our private chat.
  12. Steroidify Rep

    🤑 Pay half price on these products for next 48 hours 🤑

    PharmaQo's Drol 50: PharmaQo's Tamoxifen 20: Hilma's Letro 25: For more promos like these, join our private chat: Telegram: Join Group Chat
  13. Steroidify Rep

    Product of the week #12 winners - 50% off - Ends in 48 hours

    Product of the week #12 winners: CLENBUTEROL 40 / Pharmaqo EXEMESTANE 250 / Hilma Biocare NANDROLONE DECANOATE 300 / BioTeq Labs 50% discount...
  14. Steroidify Rep

    Product of the week #11 winners - 50% discount for 48 HOURS is ON!

    Product of the week #11 winners: - TAMOXIFEN 20 / Pharmaqo Tamoxifen 20 - OXANDROLONE / Hilma Biocare OXANDROLONE - MASTERON-E 200 / Pharmaqo Masteron-E 200 50% discount for 48 HOURS is ON! For promos like these, join Steroidify's chat group.
  15. Steroidify Rep

    Oxandrolone, Masteron and Tamoxifen - Vote which products you want to pay half

    We're choosing 3 compounds to be offered with 50% discount each week. You vote which brands you want on our private chat. Next half-price promo will be oxandrolone, masteron and tamoxifen. Click image to join our private chat and vote now:
  16. Steroidify Rep

    Test enanthate, winny and skin products (roaccutane included) - Vote to pay half

    Simply join our chat group and vote on which products you want to purchase for half price. This week we're offering test enanthate, oral winny and skin care products, including roaccutane (isotretinoin).
  17. Steroidify Rep

    Product of the week - Vote and pay half

    Weekly polls for 50% discount. Only on our private chat. Vote and decide which products will be available for half the price. Click image to join our private chat and vote now:
  18. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  19. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  20. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...