
  1. drtbear1967

    Rep Tempos Science

    Rep Tempos Science - Some believe you need train explosively to maximize how many reps. Whereas others train with a slow rep tempo to increase time under tension. What's more beneficial? Swipe left for details on rep tempo science. - When gaining muscle is the goal, a range of rep tempos work. A...
  2. drtbear1967

    Eccentric part the rep is key.

    When you lift weights, there are two primary muscle actions you perform. The concenctric (lifting the weight up) and eccentric (lowering the weight down). It is common for people to only focus on the concentric to lift up as much weight as possible for a certain number of repetitions. But we...
  3. drtbear1967

    Eccentric Vs. Concentric Training

    Eccentric Vs. Concentric training. Which Is Better? How should you think about the benefits during lifting (concentric) and lowering (eccentric) of the weight during your workout? Resistance training involves two types of movements, concentric and eccentric. Concentric movement is...
  4. drtbear1967

    Concentric Training.

    Muscles can produce much more force eccentrically than concentrically. Therefore, a limiting factor in strength performance is concentric force production - you can lower a weight but can't lift it! This study confirmed the specificity of strength gains in finding that subjects using...
  5. drtbear1967

    Eccentric vs Concentric Training

    Many trainers and coaches preach the importance of the lowering portion during lifting as they believe it to be more important for growth. The reality is that many of the studies that show this to be the case used greater loads during eccentric-only training compared to concentric-only training...