

    Sumo vs. Conventional Deadlifts, Which Is Right?

    Sumo vs. Conventional Deadlifts, Which Is Right? The deadlift is one of the most fundamental exercises in strength training and functional fitness. It works many of the muscle in your body and has a vast range of benefits. The deadlift has two main variations: the conventional and the sumo...
  2. Presser

    Sumo Deadlift Guide: How-To, Muscles Worked, Benefits, and Variations

    Sumo Deadlift Guide: How-To, Muscles Worked, Benefits, and VariationsHere’s a guide to this effective deadlift variation. by Matthew Magnante January 31, 2020 The Sumo deadlift is one variation of the conventional deadlift where a barbell (although, there are different ways to do it)...
  3. drtbear1967

    Deadlifters Advantage

    Last but not least, use your natural build for a deadlift advantage. Lifters with longer legs and shorter torsos will usually be able to lift more weight in a sumo stance - this is why women are typically better sumo deadlifters than conventional deadlifters. If you have a long torso and shorter...
  4. drtbear1967

    How to improve your deadlift.

    Biomechanical analysis of elite powerlifters showed that these athletes produced significantly less force in the starting position compared to other positions of the deadlift. Train exercises like deficit deadlifts and speed deadlifts to improve your strength and power off the floor to overcome...
  5. drtbear1967

    The BS on Eating Organic

    There are no clear nutritional or health benefits conferred by eating organic food over non-organic food, and they certainly won’t make you leaner. -- But we’re not saying that organic foods are bad or that you shouldn’t buy them. In fact, there may be some benefits to the farming methods used...
  6. Jumbo Shrimp

    You are sumo deadlifting all wrong

    This is a great article by C.J Murphy about the sumo deadlift. It is not a hip hinge! The Sumo Deadlift — You're Doing It the Wrong Way TAGS: TPS performance, how do I sumo deadlift?, deadlift form, deadlift technique, cj murphy, conventional deadlift,sumo deadlift Originally published in...
  7. Dean Destructo

    How to Conventional deadlift, from a world record holder. VIDEO

    <iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. Iron Game

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

    The Long And Misunderstood History Of Hormone Replacement Therapy by Dr. Charles Mok, Contributor. It is time for all women to understand their options when it comes to seizing control of their quality of life. In the 1980s and 1990s the number one prescription medication in the...