
  1. drtbear1967

    High Fructose Corn Syrup and Colon Tumors

    A study just came out and yields some interesting data in mice about America’s favorite sugar additive: high-fructose corn syrup. Essentially, they used mice genetically predisposed to grow tumors in the intestines(and colon) and then either had them drink water with low concentration of HFCS or...
  2. Presser

    How does a Keto Diet (ketogenic Diet) Work.

    What makes a ketogenic diet Scientists are still trying to establish exactly why and how keto diets lead to beneficial therapeutic outcomes, but the “what” of the matter is well understood. Simply put theres 2 possible sources of fuel for most all cellular functions which are fat and glucose...
  3. Iron Game

    Why Leaving Rowing Out of Your Workout is a Big Mistake

    In terms of training value for time spent, there is little that comes close to rowing. It is cardio, it is anaerobic, and it is strengthening. By building rowing in to your CrossFit workout instead of running, you will be increasing the intensity and effectiveness of your training session...