
  1. drtbear1967

    The Ripple Effect

    by Matt Weik As a bodybuilder, you are always striving to add lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. Researchers are now showing that when you are dieting and losing weight, you are actually affecting those around you as well. In fact, those around you don’t even need to be trying to lose...
  2. drtbear1967

    Hormones and Training

    There are four hormones which often are mentioned in fitness discussions. These can be anabolic (building tissues) like testosterone, insulin or growth hormone (GH), or catabolic (breaking down tissues) like cortisol (keeps our blood sugar high). . Many studies use hormonal changes associated...
  3. Boomer

    Question about feeling saw delayed onset muscle soreness

    Throughout my twenty years of training I have always used delayed onset muscle soreness as a guide to whether or not I can train the same body part a couple days later depending on the amount of soreness I feel wood determine whether or not I trained that muscle or muscle group. I have recently...