
  1. jimbosmith316

    Build Those Triceps

    Tricep bodybuilding focuses on developing and strengthening the triceps muscles, which are located on the back of the upper arm. Building strong triceps is essential for overall arm strength and aesthetics. There are various exercises specifically designed to target and isolate the triceps: 1...
  2. drtbear1967

    Bodyweight Skull Crushers

    Bodyweight Skull Crushers – Barbell and dumbbell skull crushers are popular variations, but have you ever tried them with bodyweight? This can be modified for most ability levels by adjusting the height of the bar. It’s practical too since it requires minimal equipment. . To effectively hit the...
  3. R

    Does my workout split seem gtg?

    Monday Wednesday Friday -back/traps/biceps tuesday Thursday Saturday - triceps/chest/ shoulder back - 9 sets bent row Traps-6 sets of barbell shrugs biceps. 5 sets of dumbbell curls 5 sets of barbell curls chest - 6. Sets decline bench press 6 sets of flat bench...